Curated by Les Nouveaux Riches, the exhibition brings together for the first time the work of the artist collective Alpine Gothic, Mara Novak, Rebecca Merlic, and Francisco Valença Vaz.
Die von Les Nouveaux Riches im kunstraum pro arte kuratierte Ausstellung präsentiert erstmals die Werke von Alpine Gothic, Francisco Valença Vaz, Mara Novak und Rebecca Merlic gemeinsam.
Art can be presented in various types from studios to galleries, but also in semi–and public spaces such as vitrines, and subway stations. While pondering about Vienna, there is a long history.
Most of the Kunstmatrix adopters were seen in 2020; indeed, the program dates back to around 2008. I began curating online only in 2020, during the first wave of COVID.
Diese Ausgabe ist der Freude gewidmet. Aber was bedeutet diese Emotion eigentlich? Sie mag schwer zu definieren sein, doch eines ist sicher: Wir erkennen sie, wenn wir sie erleben.
Les Nouveaux Riches (LNR) gibt Kunst- und Kulturschaffenden die Möglichkeit, sich einem breiten Publikum artgerecht zu präsentieren. Es spielt dabei keine Rolle, wie alt, jung oder bekannt die Person ist.
We are searching for new Crew Members. Days are passing, and the volume of work is growing. With the opening of the cultural scene again, our work now starts to be also more terrain-based.
We were holding on to the slight hope that maybe, just maybe, the situation would develop in a way that would yet allow us to celebrate our release as planned at the end of May 2020.
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