Be Andr, based in London, explores the fusion of machine learning and painting. His debut solo exhibition in Austria, „TAKT“ at HALLE13, highlights algorithms‘ impact on art.
“Air, oh l’air!” the boxer and poet Arthur Cravan had exclaimed in the early 1910s, also on a sofa while having an imaginary conversation with his uncle, Oscar Wilde. Helga and I meet at Cantina Isola.
Ida Kammerloch’s films explore complex socio-political themes, paired with a whimsical aesthetic. See her works at the Kunsthalle Wien Preis duo show, opening January 22.
Alessandro Puccinelli (b. 1969, Pisa) focuses on photography, starting as an assistant to commercial photographers before establishing himself and embracing it as self-expression.
Das Berliner Rapduo „6euroneunzig“ vereint Rap, Techno-Trash und New Wave. Ihre ersten Texte entstanden bei Nächten voller Spicy Margaritas und Gesprächen in der WG-Küche.
After studying fashion in Paris and building a career, Anuk Rocha left it behind to dedicate herself to painting, exploring identity, memory, and emotion through her „patchwork portraits.“
padded by Lisa Hinterreithner premiered in November at Architekturhaus Salzburg and Tanzquartier Wien Studios. The work unfolds slowly and is nearly peakless. Perhaps something radical in this?
Lily Carmesí, a multidisciplinary artist based in Barcelona, explores the symbolic, dreamlike, and visceral, transforming emotions into images and sounds that bridge reality and fantasy.
Chloë Reners, a Belgium-based fashion designer, discusses her student years, standout collection Press Ctrl+U, and the importance of sustainability in today’s fast-paced fashion world.
KÄSSY ist alles und jeder, der sie sein möchte – Sängerin, Produzentin, Performerin. Ihre Musik wechselt von eklektischer Hölle zu unbeschwertem Schweben und vereint Kontraste in jedem Moment.
Camille Schaeffer is a multidisciplinary artist and creative director based in Berlin. Her work captivates audiences through immersive, interactive, and reflective experiences.
Matthieu Quatravaux loves to put an emphasis on the locations of his photoshoots. The surroundings of his models are almost as important as the models themselves in his images.
Shanee Roe’s work blends humor and introspection to explore intimacy and relationships. Her quirky characters navigate vulnerability and power, inviting reflection on human connection.
Beatrice Signorello, a Roman-born photographer based in Vienna, has a unique talent for uncovering the extraordinary within the everyday. Her celebrated photo project Plantsch!
Paula Van Dyck is the “new kid” in fashion. She already has a successful commercial collaboration and is about to complete her master’s degree at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp.
Agnes Scherer verbindet Malerei, bemalte Skulptur und Zeichnung zu rätselhaften Installationen und Bühnenstücken, die leibliche Präsenz und aktive geistige Auseinandersetzung fordern.
Die vierte Ausgabe der PARALLEL EDITIONS 2024 wird vom 12. bis 15. Dezember stattfinden. Im Vorfeld konnten wir in einem Interview Einblicke in die Messe gewinnen.
ZAK wurde 2020 gegründet, um künstlerische Projekte in verschiedenen Kontexten zu fördern. Mit „UFO | ultra fett original“ gewann sie 2021 den Nachwuchspreis des Theaters Drachengasse.
Through her performances and installations, Elena deconstructs traditional aesthetics, exploring contrasts between the refined and the raw to challenge societal norms.
Gemeinsam produzieren Anna und Magdalena Kreinecker mehrfarbige Originalsiebdrucke in sehr limitierter Auflage auf Textil. Im Juni 2020 ist ihre erste Edition namens „JUNE“ erschienen.
Jeremias erzählt mir, dass diese Schnecken aus dem Garten seiner verstorbenen Großeltern stammen und mit Erinnerungen verbunden sind – er beginnt zu malen, und wir beginnen unsere Gespräche.
Niko Abramidis &NE shares insights into his studio rituals, the role of mythology and metamodernity in his work, and the process behind his upcoming solo exhibition at max goelitz in Berlin.
In our interview, we spoke with Mona Schulzek about the connection between life on Earth and extraterrestrial life, the concept of time, and the role of art as a universal language.
Dominika was born in Slovakia. In her oil paintings she depicts themes related to the world of young women and communicates in them the traumas experienced by women.
I arrived at the Ankerbrotfabrik in the 10th district around 6 pm. The lights in the rooms were still sporadically flickering, people were on their way home from work.
With a passion for drawing and painting from a young age, Susana discovered Arraiolos tapestry during her studies, while also exploring illustration and printmaking.
Francesca Heart is the music project of Italian artist and choreographer Francesca Mariano. Her practice moves between live performances and experimental community workshops.
I met the artist Christian Hutzinger and the gallerist Florian Erhart, founder of Galerie Gezwanzig at Gumpendorfer Str. 20, where Hutzinger’s solo show, Signal 2, is taking place.
Exploring the complexities of language, space, and expectations of storytelling, Marcon reflects on how he transforms traditional film screenings into alluring, site-specific installations.