Wien - Festival

The international creative industry will meet for the sixth time in Vienna to discuss the latest developments at the intersection of technology, culture and the creative industries.

Paris - Film

In recent years, interest in unfinished cinema has revived. This article explores how some films stage their incompleteness, others do not, and the need for a framework to preserve missing images.

Wien - Kunst

Der deutsche Künstler und Absolvent der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf Luc Palmer gibt von 13.- 18. März Einblicke in die während seiner Residency im Bildraum Studio entstandenen Malereien.

Los Angeles - Fotografie

artflash, based in Berlin and founded in Los Angeles, launched the ‘Art Helping Artists’ charity campaign together with George Byrne to support artists affected by the devastating fires in Los Angeles.

München - Kunst

For mirrored waves, dashed rocks at Nir Altman, Cătălin Pîslaru used the press release to address the audience directly, offering a statement that felt like a personal letter rather than a formal analysis.

Wien - Fotografie

Dora Denerak Galyas focuses on human-centred stories and narratives. Originally rooted in the fashion industry, she shifted to photography to explore counter-histories & dominant perspectives. 

Berlin - Fotografie

Jörg Dedering lebt seit Mitte der 90er Jahre in Berlin. Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist die Dokumentation Berlins im Wandel sowie die Auseinandersetzung mit Transformation im urbanen Raum.