Vica Pacheco’s practice is grounded in „experimental music“ and composition, integrating ceramic art. The ceramic pieces and installations she produces are a direct result of her musical experimentation.
A masterfully orchestrated exhibition, furthermore profoundly touching. UNFAIR GAME talks about game as an enabler of existence, but also game as as a realm filled with tactics.
Maria Szakats animates allegories of human nature with her new show at Galerie Chloé Salgado. The works synthesise two seemingly antithetical elements, the traditional handicraft of embroidery.
Paula Gogola is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Prague. Working predominantly in the medium of painting, her practice revolves around transfeminine positions in her queer experience.
The emptiness and desolation portrayed in Valdrin Thaqi’s paintings have always held a profound fascination for me. These artworks serve as meticulous portraits and capturing individuals.
Ido Gordon is a Bezalel graduate, working in Tel Aviv. His latest solo exhibition was held at Gallery II Tel Aviv. Amidst the current Israeli-Gaza war, I sat down with Gordon for a candid conversation.
Jelinek lässt in „Der Tod und das Mädchen V – Die Wand“ zwei Ikonen des Schreibens – Ingeborg B. und Sylvia Plath – in einem hypnotischen Sprachfluss an ihrer Selbstentfaltung scheitern.
Lori Lako’s exhibition emerges as an intervention into the discourse on labor, the human body, and temporal dynamics in the era of late capitalism. The artist is concentrated reading.
Ecem Yücel is a writer and artist. She works on an emerging structure of feeling called metamodernism and establishing its aesthetics in contemporary fiction. She narrates for LNR.
In the present time, many things are done by computer and large amounts of information are available. Meanwhile, newer technological innovations are not only transforming our perception of time.
cruella bobo ist eine Künstlerin, die mit kindlich-malerischer Hand die Welt reflektiert. Die Themen ihrer Zeichnungen und Malereien erstrecken sich von tiefgründig-philosophischen Überlegungen.
Während eines Spaziergangs entdeckte Daniel Lichterwaldt einen Schaukasten. Im Interview erzählt Daniel über die Hintergründe der Initiative und seine Verbundenheit mit Kärnten.
Das Gefährlichste, das bei der Anwendung von The Conversation Book passieren kann, ist dass man sich plötzlich ein anderes Leben vorstellt während man der eigenen Stimme zuhört.
Was passiert mit uns als Menschen in einer Umgebung, in der wir beruflich wie privat in eine Vielzahl vordefinierter Abläufe eingebunden sind? Gospodin fasziniert der Kontrollverlust.
In the upcoming exhibition, the Brazilian-born and Vienna-based artist Francisco Valença Vaz delves into a world caught between commodities, industry, and relativism.
Fünf Frauen aus Wissenschaft und Kunst beobachten das Ökoton. Mit Walk, Performance, Suppe, Brot, Videos, Austausch im Bad zum Raben in Baden CH. Letzte Anmeldung 18.11.23.
Collezione Agovino, born from Fabio Agovino’s love, has always had its heart in the enchanting city of Naples, a city he consistently promotes for artistic explorations. Collecting is a way of seeing.
An zwei Festivalabenden widmen wir uns unter dem Titel „From Liminal Attraction to Intra-Action“ in der Kulturgarage Seestadt der Soundart und ihrer transdisziplinären Verschmelzung mit Pop.
During her studies, she undertook internships at various studios, each with a distinct primary medium and focus. A milestone in her journey was her internship at the Academy of Arts in Krakow.
Established in Berlin in 2009, Node Center for Curatorial Studies is renowned as an innovative institution at the forefront of curatorial education. Its visionary approach quickly propelled it to fame.
Lena Dobner graduated and did her master’s at the Academy of Arts in Dresden, Germany. Her paintings work with portraiture as a mechanism for dealing with emotions, fears, and happiness.
A journey into the spellbinding world of Anna Carina Roth. We cross continents and write digital letters from Buenos Aires to Vienna. Her work is complex, vibrant and always in flux.
Jakob Kolb is an artist and musician living in Vienna. He employs a transmedial approach, incorporating elements such as flowers, painting, and metalwork, in addition to creating and performing music.
Artissima is the only fair in Italy with an exclusive focus on contemporary art. The 30th edition will be led by Luigi Fassi and the galleries of Artissima 2023 come from 33 countries.
In der neu entstandenen Kollektion zitiert Orsolya Karman die Form- und Farbensprache der Siebdrucke von Käthe Schönle und entwickelt daraus Schmuckstücke.
Saskia Fischer is an interdisciplinary artist, based between Vilnius and Stuttgart. Her light and glass work explores diverse themes, including color, nature, politics, and life.
Arena Wien, 1976: Aktivist:innen forderten damals verstärkt Freiräume für junge Menschen und alternative Kulturstätten in der Stadt. Im Jahr 2023 mussten wiederholt Partys abgesagt werden.
Die Soloausstellung ‚Nature Is Mental‘ von Clemens Tschurtschenthaler wurde vom 8. September bis zum 17. September 2023 im Cache Wien (Millergasse 20, 1060 Wien) präsentiert.
24HDROP ist eine Plattform, die die Landschaft des Kunsterwerbs neu definiert. 24HDROP will den Kunstmarkt öffnen, indem den Nutzer:innen auf spielerische Art eine Auswahl geboten wird.