There was probably never a time when painting did not flourish in Italy. And yet this is the moment when Italian painting is converging with the international scene. She is one of Italy’s most powerful voices.
In the autumn following, a student in the TransArts class at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, the artist Kata Oelschlägel, opened the doors of her solo exhibition ‚3%‘ at Gallery Hollerei.
Vickie Vainionpää is renowned for her generative oil paintings, where she utilizes code as a medium to establish infinite relationships among diameter, curve, and entanglement.
Tsibi Geva is one of Israel’s most prominent and influential artists. Born in 1951 in Kibbutz Ein Shemer, Israel, Geva lives and works in Tel Aviv. His works are included in major public.
Die von Les Nouveaux Riches im kunstraum pro arte kuratierte Ausstellung präsentiert erstmals die Werke von Alpine Gothic, Francisco Valença Vaz, Mara Novak und Rebecca Merlic gemeinsam.
In the frame of his upcoming exhibition: ‚FROM PAIN COMES PAIN, THEN LAUGHTER’ as part of the ‘A Homage by…’ series at Nitsch Foundation, we met the artist for an interview.
Thomas shares insights into his processes, the significance of space in his practice, and the fusion of creativity between his art & cooking, as well as his transformative experiences in European cities.
Vanessa Küstner began painting slightly less than three years ago; her practice has since developed in all directions. On this occasion, she invited us into her world and shared insights into her values.
Kunst trifft Kulinarik in der Kaiserstraße: Die Wiener Handwerksbäckerei Felzl lädt zum Auftakt der neuen Veranstaltungsreihe „Rendezvous“ in die Filiale Kaiserstraße 51-53, 1070 Wien ein.
Die Diagonale, ein alljährlicher Höhepunkt des heimischen Filmschaffens, findet vom 4. bis 9. April 2024, erstmalig unter der Leitung des neuen Intendanten-Duos zum 27. Mal in Graz statt.
On March 19, the artistic intervention Künstlerinnenhaus by conceptual artist Billi Thanner was finally opened. At 7:00 p.m., guests were greeted to see the temporary light installation.
Nina McNab was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, and while her father is of Scottish descent, she didn’t grow up bilingual, resulting in her English not carrying a Scottish influence.
Born in Klagenfurt, Austria, in 1992 and having lived in Vienna for the most part of their live, Carli Fridolin Biller’s artistic journey began with graphic design and illustration.
We are sitting here in Felix Schwentner’s apartment in Vienna’s 8th district, and it’s around 6 p.m. now. We try to recapture some of the moments that made him fall in love with art and different media.
Alessandro Samuel Albrecht began his studies in 2020 in the class “Art and Time | Photography” at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under the guidance of Professor Martin Gutmann.
Die Reihe „Rote Ohren“ umfasst abstrahierte menschliche lebensgroße Figuren und überdimensionale Köpfe auf Schemeln. Alle Figuren sind schwarz lackiert und besitzen rote Ohren.
Tanya Traykovski met C’naan Hamburger at her Hunter mfa thesis exhibition in December 2023 and interviewed her at her first solo show currently on view at Charles Moffett gallery.
Leonard Schwarz (*1997) lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Aufgewachsen in Leipzig absolvierte er zunächst eine Lehre als Tischler. Seit 2021 studiert er Malerei an der „Akademie der Bildenden Künste“ in Wien.
Die Ausstellung im Verein Fortuna wirft die Frage nach dem „bare minimum“ auf, denn die Gleichstellung aller Geschlechter ist das Mindeste, was wir von unserer Gesellschaft erwarten.
Der Funke ist wieder übergesprungen: Nach vier Tagen hat die SPARK ART FAIR VIENNA in der MARX HALLE auch bei ihrer dritten Ausgabe für Begeisterung bei Besucher*innen gesorgt.
In JAZZ. zeigen die beiden Künstler:innen sowohl bestehende Werke als auch neue Auftragsarbeiten, die speziell als Reaktion auf den Ausstellungsraum wie auch die Stadt Wien entstanden sind.
One late Tuesday morning, Flora spoke with me on topics surrounding her work, the processes behind it, and how her writings and the music she makes are connected with her visual work.
Sonia Borrell is an influential art collector known for her passion for contemporary art. Her collection, the Tryson Collection, features a mix of emerging and established artists.
There is a similarity between detective stories and visiting an art exhibition: in both we are looking for clues. This is how art criticism turned me into a voyeur or you could also call it a detective figure.
So on this occasion, we took a chance to bring you closer to the process and history of the Raku technique, born in Japan and brought by Bernard Leach to the West—actually to England in the 1920s.
Pia Aydt, born in 1998, lives and works in Vienna. She studies fine arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, focusing on drawing. Her work strongly revolves around ambivalent emotions.
Das feministisch inspirierte Künstler:innennetzwerk wurde 1977 gegründet, um die Situation für Frauen im sozialen und künstlerischen Sektor zu verbessern und setzt sich bis heute für diese Themen ein.
The Saun Santipreecha’s solo show engages with three novels by Italo Calvino—If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler, Invisible Cities, and Mr. Palomar—as well as the three cities: Bangkok, Los Angeles, Rome.
On the 18th of March Tirana Art Lab will reveal a permanent installation by internationally acclaimed artist Karolina Halatek. The light installation invites viewers to immerse.