

Bologna - Kunst

Es ist Mitternacht in Mittelitalien. Das Thermometer zeigt 30 Grad. Einatmen. Ausatmen. Wie lange ist es her, dass ich mich in einer Stadt verloren habe? Morgen in Bologna.

Kapstadt - Kunst

Michaela Younge was born in 1993 in Cape Town, South Africa. The artist graduated from the Michaelis School of Fine Art in 2015, receiving distinctions in both her theoretical and practical studies.

Oslo - Kunst

Georg Óskar currently works and lives in Oslo, Norway. Infused with a distinct twist, Oskar’s narratives are often sarcastic, but always offer genuine observations of his lived and built environment.

Mailand - Kunst

A project in between the domestic life and the virtual experience. A space obtained from a private house in Milan dedicated to display works by artists in touch with the gallery, presented by a brief essay.

Banbridge - Kunst

Ian Cumberland was born in Banbridge, Northern Ireland in 1983. He graduated from Ulster University in 2006, receiving a BA in Fine and Applied Art. He works primarily with paint and installation.

Bologna - Kunst

Two clear liquids put together on the cellulose suddenly turn purple. I try and try again, I run out of all the antiseptics for the house. The feeling of transforming substances, like an alchemist.

Mykolayiv - Kultur

Sergey Melnitchenko was born in 1991 in Mykolayiv, Ukraine. Founder and curator of the school of conceptual and art photography MYPH. Member of UPHA – Ukrainian Photo Alternative.

Wien - Kunst

JOMO ist ein Gesprächs- und Netzwerkprojekt das von Paula Marschalek, Christian Bazant-Hegemark und Julia Bugram organisiert wird. Gemeinsam mit ihren Gästen sprechen sie über die Kunstwelt.

Kopenhagen - Kunst

Again and again René Holm takes up existential Themes and locates Them in nature. Frequent Humans appears as themselves in Rene‘ Holm’s paintings, sometimes however only by Human traces.

Wien - Kunst

In ihren Arbeiten beschäftigt sich die Künstlerin Titania Seidl mit der brüchigen Aussagekraft von Bildern. In ihrem Atelier in Wien Favoriten bekommen wir einen Einblick in ihre aktuelle Tätigkeit.

Wien - Kunst

Objekte werden beladen und wieder entladen – Kontext hinzugefügt, Sinn entnommen und verdreht wieder aufmodelliert. Kai Trausenegger sieht sich als Sprücheklopfer, allerdings im magischen Sinne.

Brazzaville - Kunst

Evanescence, such is the artistic concept of the painter Sardoine Mia. Painting a broken, cracked and reconstructed world, the 23-year-old artist faints in her universe with which she says she is one.

Berlin - Kunst

In ihren großformatigen Ölgemälden oder Studien auf Papier, spielt Fabienne Meyer aka Bings mit der Erwartungshaltung des Betrachters und kreiert so ihre ganz eigene Welt.

Wien - Kunst

Tincuța Marin was born in Galați, Romania. Now she lives and works in Cluj-Napoca. Tincuța has five pets, four cats named Fun-fun, Dimitrie, Orlando & Rumpumpel and a dog named Giorgii.

Wien - Kunst

Am 24. Juli 2021 fand die Buchpräsentation PALINOPSIA von Michaela Putz, im Atelier Schlingerhof statt. In diesem Rahmen gab es ein Gespräch von der Kunsthistorikerin Paula Marschalek.

Locarno - Kunst

Titled Come Together, the playful, multicolored installation takes over the festival’s 100-meter-wide rotunda, bringing together works by Kerim Seiler spanning various mediums and dimensions.