

Wien - Kunst

Neda Nikolic visual artist based in Austria deals mostly with a topic of ludic space, both virtual and analog. She completed two Art Studies, one in Serbia, Belgrade, and second in Austria, Vienna.

Wien - Kunst

There are many myths about hair and its magical power, most of which are dedicated to women’s hair. This is why, in a lot of cultures and religious, women have to hide or cover their hair.

Schwaz - Kunst

Die Ausstellung von Christian Egger integriert ua. eine großteils neue Serie von Skulpturen in das, auf die Galerieräume zugeschnittene Ausstellungsgeschehen, welche ihre Materialität freilegen.

Wien - Kunst

Sophia Süßmilch, geboren 1983, ist eine sehr spannend und impulsive Persönlichkeit in der Kunstszene. In ihren Performances und Arbeiten werden Ideale von Schönheit, Körper und Geschlechterrollen behandelt.

Düsseldorf - Kunst

Vivian Grevens Malerei basiert auf einem versierten Spiel mit unterschiedlichen Auffassungen von Körper, Sein und Repräsentation. Dabei verschmelzen Konzepte der Antike, Pop-Art und dem Digitalen.

Como - Kunst

This week you could come on a journey to Como – if you aspire. I decided to visit Ritual Acts at Galleria Ramo, an exhibition that combines works and thoughts by Matteo Messori and Dave Swensen.

Belluno - Kunst

My current studio is located near Belluno, in the north-east of Italy and it’s the place that I have chosen to live and work. It’s really different! It is a space with a measure, a proportion, and an acoustic quality.

Verona - Kunst

By inviting the artist Stefano Cagol, the Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Verona is taking part in the 17th Giornata del Contemporaneo with the realization of a long-lasting exhibition project.

Wien - Kunst

Max Freunds Kosmos ist der Inbegriff des Multivalenten. Ob in Material, Technik, Konzept oder kunsttheoretischem Überbau – Freund schreitet in jedem dieser Aspekte das Maximalspektrum aus.

Los Angeles - Kunst

Loser Angeles is a California born artist. His paintings dig into the mundane aspects of the human condition. Encouraged by death, he employs ordinary subjects to illuminate our unreckoned existence.

Palermo - Kunst

L’ascensore is pleased to invite you to the opening of My purble place, Alice Pilusi’s new pastry shop. Welcome to the new and sparkling bakery entirely dedicated to the sweet creations of Alice Pilusi.

Prag - Kunst

In her work, she reflects on topics related to her personality and close family circle. Furthermore, she constantly returns to the themes of her native Armenia, a topic she finds to be neglected in the global context.

Chicago - Kunst

Josiah Ellner is a Chicago-based artist currently pursuing his Master of Fine Arts in painting and drawing at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He was born in Milwaukee but grew up in Xi’an China.

London - Kunst

Her show is a visual celebration of female trailblazers past and present, using alternative process photography to create an illuminating memorial honouring these fascinating and often overlooked figures.

Wien - Kunst

Wisocast entwirft virtuelle Ausstellungen im Internet, um Kunstschaffenden virtuelle Aufmerksamkeit zu verschaffen. Für das Publikum entsteht ein leichter, ortsunabhängiger Zugang weltweit, rund um die Uhr.

Athen - Kunst

Not being exactly sure what circumstance brought me to Nassia’s work; maybe certain melancholy, recurrent, the figurative and realism of the works, the choice of soundtrack, the female characters she selects.

München - Kunst

max goelitz präsentiert die erste Einzelausstellung des französischen, in Österreich lebenden, Künstlers. In der Ausstellung kombiniert de Ganay abstrakte, gegenständliche und funktionale Elemente.