My current studio is located near Belluno, in the north-east of Italy and it’s the place that I have chosen to live and work. It’s really different! It is a space with a measure, a proportion, and an acoustic quality.
By inviting the artist Stefano Cagol, the Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Verona is taking part in the 17th Giornata del Contemporaneo with the realization of a long-lasting exhibition project.
In his work he delves into historical narratives, whether based on classical literature, lore, art history, and connects them with more personal themes. He currently works in Vienna.
Max Freunds Kosmos ist der Inbegriff des Multivalenten. Ob in Material, Technik, Konzept oder kunsttheoretischem Überbau – Freund schreitet in jedem dieser Aspekte das Maximalspektrum aus.
Loser Angeles is a California born artist. His paintings dig into the mundane aspects of the human condition. Encouraged by death, he employs ordinary subjects to illuminate our unreckoned existence.
Aa Collections feiert ihr 10-jähriges Bestehen mit einer ganz besonderen Gruppenausstellung. BILLAA++ Analog NFT Store spielt auf kritische Weise mit dem aktuellen NFT Hype.
It varies, it can come from a piece of clothing I wore or a detail about it that I would like to explore by printing it so I can start physically working on it. By deconstructing the piece I find a way to create new ones.
„To condense the world into a single cry.“ Based on a poem by Portuguese poet Florbela Espanca we exhibit Barbara Moura’s works done during the whole period of covid19.
L’ascensore is pleased to invite you to the opening of My purble place, Alice Pilusi’s new pastry shop. Welcome to the new and sparkling bakery entirely dedicated to the sweet creations of Alice Pilusi.
In her work, she reflects on topics related to her personality and close family circle. Furthermore, she constantly returns to the themes of her native Armenia, a topic she finds to be neglected in the global context.
Josiah Ellner is a Chicago-based artist currently pursuing his Master of Fine Arts in painting and drawing at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He was born in Milwaukee but grew up in Xi’an China.
Her show is a visual celebration of female trailblazers past and present, using alternative process photography to create an illuminating memorial honouring these fascinating and often overlooked figures.
Wisocast entwirft virtuelle Ausstellungen im Internet, um Kunstschaffenden virtuelle Aufmerksamkeit zu verschaffen. Für das Publikum entsteht ein leichter, ortsunabhängiger Zugang weltweit, rund um die Uhr.
Not being exactly sure what circumstance brought me to Nassia’s work; maybe certain melancholy, recurrent, the figurative and realism of the works, the choice of soundtrack, the female characters she selects.
People look at Melons. Melons don’t look at people (2021) is an artwork that marries surrealistic humour of Monty Python and Günter Brus’s action Wiener Spaziergang. The bizarre and funny synthesis.
Die Malerei und Animationen von Đurđević wechseln zwischen grell aufgehellten und unheimlichen Industrieszenen und versuchen, die wackeligen Pfeiler einer Gesellschaft darzustellen.
max goelitz präsentiert die erste Einzelausstellung des französischen, in Österreich lebenden, Künstlers. In der Ausstellung kombiniert de Ganay abstrakte, gegenständliche und funktionale Elemente.
Im ICE von Berlin nach Bregenz sitzt einer, der die neue Direktverbindung in vollen Zügen genießt. Er lümmelt sich am Fensterplatz zusammen, steckt die Kopfhörer in die Ohren und beginnt zu zeichnen.
Rachael Tarravechia received a B.F.A. in painting from The Savannah College of Art and Design in 2018. She has exhibited her work internationally in the United States, Hong Kong, and France.
Wie wichtig Verbundenheit sind, haben wir alle die letzten gespürt. Wie Kunst zur Heilung von Distanz beitragen kann, zeigt nun eine Künstlerin indem sie die Hände als ein Zeichen der Annäherung.
In 2020, PARALLEL VIENNA was held for the eighth time. Strictly fulfilling all security measures necessary because of the COVID-19, the PARALLEL VIENNA occupied the Alte Gewerbehaus.
As a recent graduate of Rhode Island School of Design, Elena Redmond was raised in many different homes across the neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. Using self-portraiture to explore themes of desire.
CHIMERA untersucht queere Ökologie und nicht-binäres Leben. Was definiert den Menschen als Spezies? Inwiefern etablieren Wissenssysteme Grenzen zwischen Lebensformen verschwimmen?
On the occasion of the Art Week the Osservatorio Futura presented „MOONBOW – Over The Rainbow“, a solo exhibition by Umberto Chiodi and a performance written with Matteo Levaggi.
Toninho Dingl hat seinen Master in Geographie in Salzburg abgeschlossen und macht gerade sein Diplom in freier Malerei und Grafik an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe.
Spazio Volta has invited Giulia Poppi to propose an artwork in the upper town of Bergamo. The artist’s installation is a structure that interacts with the natural light coming from the window.
Titania Seidl’s work concerns itself with the brittle informative value of images. In her show at Bildraum 07, the artist shows both her paintings, defined by diligent observation.
Faking Perfection is Andrei Tudoran’s second solo show at AnnArt Gallery in Bucharest. Andrei Tudoran’s pursues this time a configuration of the exhibition combining different practices.
Petra Kodym setzt sich in ihren Arbeiten mit Ängsten und Sehnsüchten auseinander, die den Kirchen, der Werbeindustrie, aber auch politischen Mächten eine starke Basis für Manipulation bieten.