Natur und Künstlichkeit begegnen sich in der neuesten Arbeit von Anna-Amanda Steurer auf subtile Weise. Es handelt sich um ein filigranes Baumskelett, für das sie wechselnde Szenerien sucht.
Tyrone Egbowon befindet sich im zweiten Semester seines MFA-Studiums an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien im Fachbereich „Expansion“ unter der Leitung von Professor Daniel Richter.
Die Bildrecht, Österreichs Verwertungsgesellschaft für Bildschaffende, lädt im Rahmen der Vienna Design Week zur Ausstellung object-related des Designstudios ante up ein.
Kvalitář Gallery is proud to represent the artist Antonie Stanová for the first time at the viennacontemporary Art Fair in Vienna. We spoke with Stanová on this occasion, and she shared some insights.
From 13 September to 11 October, Pfeuferstraße 38 invites you into the world of Meng Zhou. The public will be confronted with a series of works developed especially for this former workshop space.
If the idea of subverting the towering concrete building conceived by Peter Zumthor is the goal in the latest stunt by performance and installation artist Anne Imhof.
Aleks Polonskaja wurde in Tallinn geboren und wuchs dort auf. Schon früh trieb sie eine unbändige Neugierde in die Welt hinaus, und mit nur 14 Jahren begann sie allein durch Europa zu reisen.
Tina Graf ist Druckgrafikerin, Radfahrerin und alles, was dazwischen liegt. In Taiwan geboren und in Österreich aufgewachsen, findet man sie oft beim Spazieren in den Bergen.
Ioana is a artist who brings to the forefront the image of femininity, transposed through the scenographies of her paintings. Artist, mother, woman—an embodiment of femininity in all its spheres.
The title of Fraser’s ongoing retrospective, «I just don’t like eggs! Andrea Fraser on collectors, collecting, collection», conjures up the notion of ‘taste’ deftly taken apart by the artist’s work.
Das Museum Liaunig präsentiert im Skulpturendepot die in Wien lebende Künstlerin Meina Schellander in einer Einzelausstellung mit dem Titel IN EINEN KREIS EIN QUADRAT –.
In „Europe’s Feet: In Mythos et Lascivia“ Tin Trohar uses acrylics and glitter on burlap to reimagine and reinterpret some of the most erotic and controversial myths from ancient mythology.
Mariem Iman, an artist from Huelva, has a background in social and cultural anthropology. She studied love witchcraft in Hispanic archives and conducted ethnography on love magic in Cuba.
Curating, writing, and teaching brings An to many places in the art world, from an artist studio in the 22-story tall Meritomi in Helsinki to a senseless residency in Milan.
GIRLS AND THE CITY: A group exhibition exploring women’s empowerment, identity, and resistance in urban spaces, showcasing diverse experiences and challenges.
Im Juni 2024 hat Stefan Pfattner sein Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste mit seiner Ausstellung „Heute bin ich aufgewacht// die ständige Angst HIV+ zu sein“ beendet.
Surrounded by the city’s rich history, myriad art foundations, galleries, and one of art’s most intricate logistics, the Venice School for Curatorial Studies has established itself as a pivotal.
Parsa Khalili experiments with the perception of surface effects, formal transformations, and spatial ambiguities at multiple scales, from drawings and large-format paintings to buildings.
Mirrored floor, circular building, and glass dome – South Korean artist Kimsooja created an interactive installation, „To Breathe – Constellation,“ where visitors are a crucial part.
In ihrer künstlerischen Praxis setzt sich Lisa Breyer mit Zwischenzuständen auseinander: mit Momenten des Innehaltens, der Unentschlossenheit und des Zweifelns.
„Tayouan – Homeland of Hybridity“ opens in August at Kunstforum Wien. The exhibition offers a comprehensive exploration of a country that, after centuries of constant transformations.
Mianhua, formerly known as Shimei Li, is an independent artist based in Shanghai. Originally an editor, she became an artist, with the mysterious natural universe and life per se the source of her inspiration.
Laura studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. During her studies, she participated in exchange programs in the UK and Taiwan, which had a profound cultural impact on her work.
By interweaving romanticized depictions of the outside world, the article deals with the themes of seeing and being seen as well as the feeling of being trapped in pictorial worlds.
Markus Heller lebt und arbeitet in Leipzig. Er beschäftigt sich mit zeitlichen Verzerrungen und sucht nach Überschneidungen und Parallelen zwischen der haptischen und der digitalen Welt.
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Tirol sucht 2025 nach Projekten, die im Moment der Störung ihr Potenzial entfalten und so neue Räume öffnen. Störfaktoren, die Problemstellen sichtbar machen.
Bridges Edges is a limited-engagement, one-day, event with US/Californian artists Ismael de Anda III and Eugene Ahn, curated by Camilla Boemio, at artespaziotempo gallery in Venezia.
Rebecca Moccia has always been interested in showcasing the material transformations caused by perceptual and emotional states that can shape places over time. Her latest work Atmosferica.
The solo exhibition by Ju Young Kim, a Korea-born, Germany-based artist, opened at the max goelitz gallery in Berlin on June 27th and will be available to the public until July 27th, 2024.