When Magdalena Zeller and Cornelis van Almsick started their gallery Zeller van Almsick in 2017, Vienna had few galleries who would represent the younger talent of the city.
Even though Vienna has proven to be an exciting location for contemporary art and is continuously growing in this respect, the old wives/husbands‘ tale that Vienna is a city without Collectors.
I. “(…) I must admit that I was different with every person, so nobody knew what I was really like,” Gombrowicz jots down in his journal about the years he had spent in Argentina.
Things to love about playing hide and seek: mainly hiding aspects; patiently occupying that dark, damp lair; the fear of getting caught; the thrill of being searched for, as if somebody cares; the sweat produced …
Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair welcomes artists, publishers, and other creative people on August 11th to share their stories, knowledge, and love of zines and art books, for two weeks.
NATA Vienna is pleased to invite you to the Performative Exhibition Krisenzeiten. 5 international artists thematize the last two years, from pandemic and isolation to the further heights of war and inflation.
Martin Volman ist ein Künstler und Soziologe aus Buenos Aires, Argentinien, der zurzeit einen Master in Design Research studiert. Er hat Fotografie in Argentinien, USA, Deutschland und Österreich studiert.
Her paintings are an immediate and direct channel through which the artist shapes her emotional landscape at a given moment, occasionally blending in specific memories of her past experiences.
I thought trees stood up straight… I only found out just now. They actually stand with both arms in the earth, all of them. (…) Do you know how I found out? Well, I was in a dream, and I was standing on my head… leaves were growing from my body, and roots were sprouting from my hands.
On Friday, August 12, the exhibition opens at “Pfeufer 38” with objects by the Chinese artist Ma Jun and three Munich artists, namely Hubertus Hamm, Felix Rehfeld and Martin Spengler.
Umbral is a world of unspoken relations, a labyrinth of hybrid objects, a transit zone where one must navigate feelings of déjà vu and fears of looming future events. It can be translated as a threshold or doorstep.
On Sunday, September 4, the exhibition opens in whiteBOX Munich with works by the Chinese painter Huang Min. The exhibition is organised by the Blue Mountain Contemporary Art Collection.
Die zehnte Ausgabe findet vom 06. bis 11. September 2022 erneut in der ehemaligen Semmelweisklinik statt. Mittlerweile gehört PARALLEL VIENNA zu einer der größten Kunstmessen Österreichs.
Sofia Magdits (b. 1995) is an interdisciplinary peruvian artist. Her work encompasses different disciplines such as weaving, embroidery, mosaic, performance, music as well as video.
Cat Spilman is an American-born artist living and working in the UK. Her work addresses the themes of distance and separation, belonging, modern feminism and motherhood.
Die Messe für internationale zeitgenössische Kunst, Moderne und Design findet 2022 in Schönbrunn statt! Die ART VIENNA findet von 16. bis 18. September 2022 zum ersten Mal in Schönbrunn statt.
Riniifish basically creates bugs. By relying on the series of fantasies, she tells the story of her creative process to find the much-needed freedom and security to heal the potted plants.
In a residential area on the outskirts of Geneva, in a white 2012 Subaru Legacy, Alfredo Aceto and Thomas Liu Le Lann chew white chocolate cubes. In Chew (2022), a video loop just under nine minutes long.
KRAS is pleased to present Elsa Martini’s solo exhibition with the gallery „The Happiness of Others“. he Exhibition and the constant expanding series is divided into three parts.
In an Ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, clouds are something more than mere decoration or staffage, more than the matter out of which impressive landscapes are moulded, as of clay.
Wrocław Contemporary Museum presents installations, video works and a series of graphics . The duo’s creative work stems from their fascination with the relations between sound and space.
Sara Rahmanian is a multidisciplinary artist fascinated by everyday objects and the absurdity of contemporary life. She uses painting to explore the imaginative gaps between reality and perception.
Krzysztof Strzelecki is Polish artist. He was awarded a BA (Hons) from the University of the Arts London (UAL), Camberwell in 2019 and currently alternates between his two studios.
Das internationale, dezentrale und transdisziplinäre Kunst- und Kulturfestival fand dieses Jahr mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Never go back“ von 01. bis 09. Juli an verschiedenen Standorten im 15. Bezirk statt.
PARALLEL VIENNA präsentiert zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum der Kunstmesse erstmalig das Format PARALLEL Skulpturenpark. Der Skulpturenpark wird während der gesamten Zeit frei zugänglich sein.
It is within this play’s tradition, reproducibility, and Lenora de Barros spirit that develops her work. The physiognomy of her work is a set of particular games. The artist plays and, without winning or losing.
Die Raum-Installation/Performance „inter relations“ aus der Reihe „archipelago“ von Andrea K. Schlehwein und NETZWERK AKS. In den wirkmächtigen Sälen des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters Millstatt.
Mehr als zwischen Videospiel und Performance. Eine weitere Ausgabe der Ludic Soirée – Veranstaltungsreihe der Abteilung Experimental Game Culture ist am 22.6.2022 über die Bühne gegangen.
Tirana Art Lab – Culture Center and Beyond Matter EU present an exhibition with works by duo HUNITI GOLDOX, Olson Lamaj, Valentina Peri, created during a two-month residency.