On Sunday, September 4, the exhibition opens in whiteBOX Munich with works by the Chinese painter Huang Min. The exhibition is organised by the Blue Mountain Contemporary Art Collection.
Die zehnte Ausgabe findet vom 06. bis 11. September 2022 erneut in der ehemaligen Semmelweisklinik statt. Mittlerweile gehört PARALLEL VIENNA zu einer der größten Kunstmessen Österreichs.
Sofia Magdits (b. 1995) is an interdisciplinary peruvian artist. Her work encompasses different disciplines such as weaving, embroidery, mosaic, performance, music as well as video.
Cat Spilman is an American-born artist living and working in the UK. Her work addresses the themes of distance and separation, belonging, modern feminism and motherhood.
Die Messe für internationale zeitgenössische Kunst, Moderne und Design findet 2022 in Schönbrunn statt! Die ART VIENNA findet von 16. bis 18. September 2022 zum ersten Mal in Schönbrunn statt.
Riniifish basically creates bugs. By relying on the series of fantasies, she tells the story of her creative process to find the much-needed freedom and security to heal the potted plants.
In a residential area on the outskirts of Geneva, in a white 2012 Subaru Legacy, Alfredo Aceto and Thomas Liu Le Lann chew white chocolate cubes. In Chew (2022), a video loop just under nine minutes long.
KRAS is pleased to present Elsa Martini’s solo exhibition with the gallery „The Happiness of Others“. he Exhibition and the constant expanding series is divided into three parts.
In an Ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, clouds are something more than mere decoration or staffage, more than the matter out of which impressive landscapes are moulded, as of clay.
Wrocław Contemporary Museum presents installations, video works and a series of graphics . The duo’s creative work stems from their fascination with the relations between sound and space.
Sara Rahmanian is a multidisciplinary artist fascinated by everyday objects and the absurdity of contemporary life. She uses painting to explore the imaginative gaps between reality and perception.
Krzysztof Strzelecki is Polish artist. He was awarded a BA (Hons) from the University of the Arts London (UAL), Camberwell in 2019 and currently alternates between his two studios.
Das internationale, dezentrale und transdisziplinäre Kunst- und Kulturfestival fand dieses Jahr mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Never go back“ von 01. bis 09. Juli an verschiedenen Standorten im 15. Bezirk statt.
PARALLEL VIENNA präsentiert zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum der Kunstmesse erstmalig das Format PARALLEL Skulpturenpark. Der Skulpturenpark wird während der gesamten Zeit frei zugänglich sein.
It is within this play’s tradition, reproducibility, and Lenora de Barros spirit that develops her work. The physiognomy of her work is a set of particular games. The artist plays and, without winning or losing.
Die Raum-Installation/Performance „inter relations“ aus der Reihe „archipelago“ von Andrea K. Schlehwein und NETZWERK AKS. In den wirkmächtigen Sälen des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters Millstatt.
Mehr als zwischen Videospiel und Performance. Eine weitere Ausgabe der Ludic Soirée – Veranstaltungsreihe der Abteilung Experimental Game Culture ist am 22.6.2022 über die Bühne gegangen.
Tirana Art Lab – Culture Center and Beyond Matter EU present an exhibition with works by duo HUNITI GOLDOX, Olson Lamaj, Valentina Peri, created during a two-month residency.
Einige Eindrücke – dokumentiert von Daniel Lichterwaldt. Zum vierten Mal öffnete die Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien zum Ende des Studienjahres Tür und Tor.
Einige Eindrücke – dokumentiert von Daniel Lichterwaldt. Zum vierten Mal öffnete die Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien zum Ende des Studienjahres Tür und Tor.
Sophie Tiller arbeitet als bildende Künstlerin in Wien. Sie studierte an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien bei Eva Schlegel und Matthias Herrmann in der Klasse für Kunst und Fotografie.
Danilo and I met for the first time in 2016 in New York. I had been aware of his work for some time, because he had been working with galleries that I was following, had exhibited in places I knew well.
Each of the wall pieces in Julia’s exhibition “Five Finger Discount” center around an oil painting of a rather old-school shop: multiple butchers (kosher and not-kosher, of course), a flower store, a tailor.
This exhibition encompasses the intuitive, raw and experimental spirit of the artist. The mix of vivid colors, subject matter and applied techniques of this specific curation are a reflection of the artist’s practice.
Galleria Umberto Di Marino presents Sergio Vega’s recent project titled A cloud-forest of paper and ink. The solo show is focused on his photographic works in black and white taken in the Amazonian region.
Das zweite Mahler Forum unter dem Titel A Room of One’s Own – Kreativität und Raum befasst sich am 1. und 2. Juli 2022 mit dem künstlerischen Rückzug als Jahrtausende alte Kulturtechnik.
When I got the opportunity to conduct this interview, I realized that i wanted to talk to the artist not only about the Biennale, but also about earlier, smallscale works such as Father (2009), Dancefloor (2009), or those Polaroid outcomes that show only the belly part of each of the women who have caused, generated (as Tosatti says) something meaningful on him (Senza Titolo (matrice), 2010-2011). The interview was conducted in June 2022.
MONO NO AWARE – the a first-person game in which the viewer can walk endlessly through a generative environment. It is filled with objects that are made through various means.
Interview mit Lena Kohlmayr und Magdalena Stöger. Zum vierten Mal öffnet die Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien vom 28. Juni bis Freitag, 1. Juli 2022 ihre Tore für das Angewandte Festival.