

Mailand - Kunst

Teresa Giannico uses photography as a catalog of patterns. She relates to aesthetics and wants her viewer to ask themselves what is looking at and to ruminate on how the picture is composed.

Wien - Kunst

The show „cache“ continues the earlier series „It’s never gonna be the same“ and deals with the topic of finiteness and the attempt to find a way of how to deal with what was lost.

Wien - Kunst

Les Nouveaux Riches Magazine is pleased to present Elsa Martini. DISHEVELED is not a tragedy. It has complex layers, speaks simultaneously with forthright, yet partly encrypted languages.

Los Angeles - Kunst

First and foremost, Santiago Ferro is an artist. Santiago also has a dual diagnosis of autism and Down syndrome. As such, art is an extremely important form of therapy for Santiago.

Wien - Kunst

Environmental catastrophes and bleak prognoses for the future of life on earth – the climate crisis has become part of our everyday life, and is determining our life reality to an ever-greater extent.

Schwarzenberg - Kunst

Malerei und suggestive Präsenz stehen im Zentrum von Sarah Bechters Praxis. Melancholisch-poetisch und nicht ohne einen gewissen Humor hinterfragen ihre Gemälde die Bedingungen ihrer eigenen Produktion.

Wien - Kunst

Mit der Gruppenausstellung Matrix Bodies begibt sich der Kunstraum auf einen Trip durch die Mikroebenen unseres planetaren Ökosystems. Der Ausgangspunkt: die geheime Zone der Virosphäre.

Kiew - Kunst

Anzhelika Palyvoda – Ukrainian visual artist born in 2000 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Currently based in Vienna. Graduated from the National Academy of Fine art and Architecture, MA monumental painting.

Montreal - Kunst

Beth Frey divides her time between Montreal and Mexico City. With a formal background in painting and drawing, Frey’s practice has expanded into video performance, sculpture, and installation.

Wien - Kunst

Eine neue spannende Location für die PARALLEL EDITIONS. Die Kunstmesse findet in Kooperation mit dem Neuen Kunstverein Wien in einem ehemaligen großen Autohaus statt.

Los Angeles - Kunst

Lindsay is a contemporary artist, working primarily with paint in a figurative style that she combines with renditions of street art and surrealism. Self taught, with a deep sense of wanderlust.

Columbus - Kunst

Amina-Toure is a Ghanaia-born and raised figurative painter who currently lives and works in Columbus, Ohio in the United States. She has an MFA in Painting and Drawing from Ohio University.

Wien - Kunst

Von 28. Februar bis 20. März 2023 findet ein Publikumsvoting für den Wettbewerb „Creatives for Vienna – Making Spaces“ statt. Wir bitten euch, für unsere Einreichung SBEKTRUM zu stimmen.

Mallorca - Kunst

Voluptuous girls with strongly-marked features and sharp nails, and warriors, accompanied by fruits, swords, or crocodiles are some of the elements that make up the iconic image of Fátima de Juan.

Wien - Kunst

In der Ausstellung thematisiert der David Osthoff das gegenwärtige Verhältnis des Menschen zu Technologie und Natur als Paradigma der Wahrnehmung und Ursache ökologischer Krisen.

Wien - Kunst

Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair will take place at Atelierhaus Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien between May 26-28, 2023. Fanzineist will meet you both physically and online.

Wien - Kunst

Bags with six different artistic subjects were created in cooperation with Ukrainian artists. As a thank you for every donation of 20 EUR or more, donors will receive their favorite bag(s).

Wien - Kunst

Die Ausstellung, kuratiert von Livia Klein & Kai Philip Trausenegger, ist ein fingiertes Traumszenario, innerhalb dessen die Überwindung des Kapitalismus als Bühne für utopische Ausblicke dient.

Wien - Kunst

Heute startet das CIVA Festival und bereits bei der Pressekonferenz im gab es spannende Einblicke in die Ausstellung „Intangible Care“, die von Eva Fischer & Martina Menegon kuratiert wurde.

Berlin - Kunst

In his exhibition „Ex: Re: Trans“ at CRAMA Berlin, Daniel M. E. Schaal contextualizes works from his repertoire as well as new works from 2023. Considering his background in theater studies.

New York - Kunst

Marcela Florido is a Brooklyn-based Brazilian visual artist known for her powerful self-portraits of the female form. With a BFA from the Slade School of Art and an MFA from the Yale School of Art.