Robbie McIntosh, born in 1977, lives and works in Naples, where his photography focuses on observing human behavior and the way people interact with their environment.
Analoge Fotografie war schon immer seine Leidenschaft- nun präsentiert Raphael Riegler seine neueste Ausstellung „Hi Mom, I’ve been to New York City“ im Photo Cluster im 7. Bezirk in Wien.
Cobey Arner is a photographer and musician living and working in downtown Manhattan in New York City. In the interview we talked about experimentation play in his creative process.
Die Fotografien von Katja Heinemann (*1998) setzen sich mit dem menschlichen Körper auseinander. Mal wird er in abstrakte Formen verbogen, bis er fast unkenntlich wird.
Inspired by the work of photographer David LaChapelle and the colorful aesthetic of filmmaker Gregg Araki, his gently provocative and cinematic body of work stands out for its excessive use of colors.
Interviews mit Jacky Surowitz, Peta Klotzberg, Thomas Erlmoser, Bibiane Zimba, Irena Pejcic, Sophie Mashraki, Celeste Eibensteiner und Vale Zimmermann.
Priscilla Orfanos, currently residing in Mexico, is a singer-songwriter who constantly seeks avenues to creatively express herself, be it through her music or her newfound passion for film photography.
Der Fotograf Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert fokussiert sich auf die Person selbst und stellt auf seinen Bildern den Charakter und die Persönlichkeit seiner Modelle immer in den Vordergrund.
In Studio per una scultura solo show at AOC F58 Galleria Bruno Lisi, at the beginning of February 2024, the Paris/Milan based photographer will present a number of majestic portraits.
Dorota Jedináková is a bachelor’s student at the Academy of Fine Arts Bratislava. For the winter semester, she’s currently studying at the Tokyo University of the Arts in the Intermedia Art department.
Alba Melgarejo is a young multidisciplinary artist from Barcelona. If you ask her what art means, she will answer you quickly and forcefully: expressing to heal, to release, and to remove.
Sonia Ščepánová is a bachelor’s student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, under the pedagogical guidance of Jana Hojstričová. She is enthusiastic about analog and instant photography.
Paula Perroni is a transgressive and eclectic stylist and creative director based in Barcelona. She pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Design in Barcelona and discovered her love for fashion.
Wolf Silveri ist seit 19 Jahren freischaffender Fotograf. Er ist seit 2004 in verschiedenen Bereichen der Fotografie tätig, wobei sein Fokus auf der Portraitfotografie liegt.
Another Saturday, midnight in my room. Radio on, „Kiss of Life“ and „Only Angel“ playing. A trace of my essence lingers, hearing the love song on FM. Beautiful words fill my head.
Juan David Cortés is based in Mallorca, after living for 15 years in Madrid. Besides commercial work and teaching, in his personal projects, he tries to combine autobiography with documentary.
Zur gleichen Zeit übernehmen Maschinen Arbeiten von Menschen wie demütigende Bedingungen andere Menschen ausbeuten. Dazwischen schwelen langsame Veränderungen.
The photographer Junri Kamiwaki from Tokyo captured one of her nights in Paris and Tokyo in images and composed a poem that narrates her story under the title „Mi Amore.“
Der Fotograf Raphael Riegler, der in Mürzzuschlag aufgewachsen ist und sich selbst als ‚dedicated Skaterboy‘ betitelt, hat nach seinen Studium seine Liebe zur analogen Fotografie entdeckt.
the smallest gallery ist vielleicht die kleinste Galerie der Stadt. Sie befindet sich in einem Hauseingang am Grazer Grieskai, direkt angrenzend an das Caféhaus Tribeka.
Isabella Simon arbeitet als Fotografin in Wien, hauptsächlich dokumentarisch für Magazine sowie projektbegleitend als Set Fotografin von Filmen. Portraits gehören zu ihrer Leidenschaft.
merritt k is a writer and editor who has previously produced a book of poetry and an anthology of interactive fiction, as well as created and hosted several podcasts. She lives in New York.
GORSAD KYIV – represents a new wave of photographers from Ukraine. Gorsad’s works are mainly focused on youth, feelings, and sexuality in all their peculiarities and oddities.
At the high school, there were some cameras available for the students to use. Whenever she had the opportunity, she borrowed the camera and presented a photo essay for most of her art class assignments.
Tanz hat in Wien/Österreich nicht erst seit dem Wiener Kongress einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert; getanzt wurde hierzulande immer schon, ob in einer wichtigen equalitären Funktion.
Zuki is a petite, biracial model that is 1,55 meters tall. She was born in Tokyo. Her dad is Japanese, her Mom Peruvian, which makes her half Peruvian, half Japanese. This is her story.
Nash Chen is a up and coming make up artist from Yunlin, Taiwan. He has had profound passion for fashion since his childhood and studied art and music in school.
How do you feel when you travel and you do not understand the language at all? Fortunately, I had someone at my side who translated and made me aware of what was happening around me.
Am 25. März startet print for peace mit einer zweiwöchigen Spendenaktion. Motive von bekannten Fotograf*innen aus ganz Europa können erworben werden. Ziel ist es, Menschen zu unterstützen.