

Bologna - Kunst

In 2024 Arte Fiera celebrates 50 years since the first edition, making it the first art fair in Italy, and one of the first in Europe. The next edition of Arte Fiera will be held from 3 to 5 February 2023.

Bologna - Kunst

Es ist Mitternacht in Mittelitalien. Das Thermometer zeigt 30 Grad. Einatmen. Ausatmen. Wie lange ist es her, dass ich mich in einer Stadt verloren habe? Morgen in Bologna.

Bologna - Kunst

Two clear liquids put together on the cellulose suddenly turn purple. I try and try again, I run out of all the antiseptics for the house. The feeling of transforming substances, like an alchemist.

Bologna - Kunst

Matteo Novarese, owner of Sof:Art, shares his personal story of how he came into collecting with Les Nouveaux Riches Magazine. This love’s origin is based on his family’s art collection.