

Berlin - Kunst

Sara Rahmanian is a multidisciplinary artist fascinated by everyday objects and the absurdity of contemporary life. She uses painting to explore the imaginative gaps between reality and perception.

Berlin - Kunst

This exhibition encompasses the intuitive, raw and experimental spirit of the artist. The mix of vivid colors, subject matter and applied techniques of this specific curation are a reflection of the artist’s practice.

Berlin - Kunst

MONO NO AWARE – the a first-person game in which the viewer can walk endlessly through a generative environment. It is filled with objects that are made through various means.

Berlin - Kunst

Die Künstlerin Anna Kuen lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Ihr Studium der Malerei hat sie an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien in der Klasse Daniel Richter erfolgreich absolviert.

Berlin - Kunst

Integrating my mother’s intricate handwritten notes, which she jots down in a Cy Twombly-esque fashion while attending to her patients , was a nice opportunity to collaborate with her and be closer to her.

Berlin - Kunst

Elke Foltz is a French painter. Her work is a search for balance within a constant chaos. All the elements aim to be in harmony and in perpetual renewal in spite of the prevailing disorder.

Berlin - Kunst

A dominating motive theme in her work is using the unexpected to create tension. Playing with the viewers expectations, she broaches the issue of moments paired with distorted items of her imagination.

Berlin - Kunst

A Coloured Story, a solo exhibition, by painter Idowu Oluwaseun explores Black intimacy across a spectrum of skin colours. In our ongoing racialized modernity, the taboo or the stigmata of being in possession of more or less melanin shows up in the pervasiveness of colorism—an inheritance of the violence of slavery and colonialism—that continues to organize intraracial sociality today.

Berlin - Kunst

„This is the way things are now“ Mark Fisher states soberly in his book „Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?“. This is the world the way it is now, there is no way to change it.

Berlin - Kunst

With my left hand, I am holding a picture of a dragonfly I took during a school trip to an insect museum.I don’t remember neither the location nor the exact year. For sure, that was during Primary School.

Berlin - Kunst

Katharina Arndt, die zwischen Berlin und Barcelona lebt, schafft Malereien und Leuchtschriften, die die Konsumkultur thematisieren und einen ironischen Blick und eine neue Perspektive auf die Welt.

Berlin - Kunst

Lee Wagstaff is a Berlin based English artist working with painting, sculpture, printmaking and tattooing. He studied at the Royal College of Art in London and Kyoto City University of the Arts.

Berlin - Kunst

Watching the Sun at Midnight at Museum Frieder Burda and Headlines at the museum’s Berlin exhibition space Salon Berlin brings together works spanning all phases of Sieverding’s pioneering.

Berlin - Kultur

Ab dem 31. Oktober 2021 zeigt die Berliner Helmut Newton Stiftung die große Retrospektive. Die Ausstellung sollte ursprünglich anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags des Fotografen eröffnet werden.

Berlin - Kunst

In ihren großformatigen Ölgemälden oder Studien auf Papier, spielt Fabienne Meyer aka Bings mit der Erwartungshaltung des Betrachters und kreiert so ihre ganz eigene Welt.

Berlin - Kunst

For the last days of Daniel Spivakov’s exhibition YOU’RE GONNA DIE in Berlin-Charlottenburg at Stallmann, Daniel talks about the things that matter most to him and his paintings.

Berlin - Kunst

Anne Bengard wurde in Leipzig geboren und lebte in Berlin, bis sie im Alter von 9 Jahren in eine kleine Küstenstadt im Südwesten Englands zog, was zu einer doppelten Erziehung führte.

Berlin - Kultur

Playgirls Mansion Presents is a sex worker ran art and performance collective based in Berlin that focuses on creating safe spaces for sex workers to exhibit, connect and explore their artistic dreams.

Berlin - Kultur

Katja Hippopotamus is an Australian born dancer and performance artist who is currently based in Berlin. She is of mixed race, mixed personalities and a mix of quiet accomplishment.