Wien Kunst

Soloausstellung. Florine Imo

Soloausstellung. Caught in a Loop von Florine Imo. Mit ihren großflächigen, strahlenden Werken entführt dich die Künstlerin auf eine Reise durch den Dschungel des eigenen Ichs. Vorbei an Zweifeln, den ureigensten Ängsten und hin zu Dingen, die wir längst vergessen geglaubt haben hält sie uns vor Augen, dass unsere Entwicklung ein ständiger Kreislauf ist.
Solo Exhibition by Florine Imo

My paintings always have kind of mirrored my experiences, myself, what happens to me and around me. But not in the literal sense of the happening per say, more like the aftereffects. The essence of the feeling that stays with you for a while, after that thing happened to you. That’s why I never saw my portraits as me, because it could be you too. These thoughts have led me to questioning myself (again) about the “self” and myself and who that is in general. And obviously what that means for my paintings. How can I even make a self-portrait? And is it even important that it’s called a self-portrait or that I should make one? Do I want to make one? I still don’t know.

Ausstellungsdauer: 11. September bis 20. September 2020
Täglich: 18 bis 21 Uhr | SA, SO: 16 bis 20 Uhr

Adresse und Kontakt:
Liechtensteinstraße 45/1-2, 1090 Wien

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