Wien Kunst

Solo show Mariya Vasilyeva

The installation is an imitation of my grandmother's apartment. Its floorplan is outlined on the floor and is presented in 1:1 scale in an exhibition space. 12 projection screens are installed in exact same rooms where the videos were shot.
"SOVIET BAROQUE" multi-channel video installation, 2022
Mariya Vasilyeva – SOVIET BAROQUE, multi-channel video installation, 2022

In my grandma’s apartment I staged myself in different roles, filmed the process and put footage together to create video collages. For the stagings I used personal items, clothes and furniture that I found in the flat. The focus of the videos is the examination of the development of early childhood sexuality, fears and possible traumas associated with it and how external power structures can influence this process. The petit-bourgeois ambience of grandmother’s apartment serves me thereby as a stage.

Exhibition: Mariya Vasilyeva – SOVIET BAROQUE curated by Georg Demmer
The exhibition is on view until 30.12.2022

Opening hours: 
18.12. – 21.12.2022: 4-8 PM
27.12. – 30.12.2022: 4-8 PM

Address: Yogallery, Baumgasse 42/6A, 1030 Vienna

Mariya Vasilyeva – www.mariyavasilyeva.com