Berlin Ausstellung

Solo exhibition: present pendulum

The solo exhibition "present pendulum" by Niko Abramidis &NE explores a mythology of the present marked by pragmatic analysis, comic-like exaggeration, and a hopeful aesthetic.
Niko Abramidis &NE, present pendulum, 2024 (detail)
Niko Abramidis &NE, present pendulum, 2024 (detail)

Following the euphoria for entrepreneurship and financial economics that characterized his installation works of recent years, his new paintings, drawings, and objects outline a reflection on the status quo of a hybrid reality and a pause in the face of an open future. They propose a deconstruction of the old world order and question the promise that technology and progress will solve all human problems. Great attention is paid to the medium of drawing in order to express the fragility of this liminal state and to emphasize immediacy, sensitivity, and poetics. Based on the concept of „metamodernity“, Niko Abramidis &NE’s current works create visual worlds of an undecided future, oscillating like a pendulum between utopia and dystopia, in search of a new equilibrium.

Solo exhibition: Niko Abramidis &NE – present pendulum
Opening: November 22, 2024, from 6 PM to 9 PM (the artist will be present)
Exhibition duration: November 22, 2024 – February 1, 2025

Address and contact:
max goelitz
Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse 26, 10969 Berlin