Wien Kunst

Exhibition. See it as a stranger might

Titania Seidl's work concerns itself with the brittle informative value of images. In her show at Bildraum 07, the artist shows both her paintings, defined by diligent observation, and a text piece printed directly onto the gallery walls.
Foto: © Foto: Eva Kelety, Ausstellungsansicht Titania Seidl, 2021|© Bildrecht, Wien 2021
Exhibition view Titania Seidl, 2021 | Photos: Rudolf Strobl © Bildrecht, Wien 2021

Titania Seidl’s work concerns itself with the brittle informative value of images. In her show at Bildraum 07, the artist shows both her paintings, defined by diligent observation, and a text piece printed directly onto the gallery walls. The paintings, both large and small in format, show fragments of motifs taken out of various narrative contexts. The subject matter, found in historical archives, recorded in contemporary everyday life or collected in the stream of digital imagery surrounding us, comes together on the picture plane to form a new whole.

The artist thereby evokes a loose narrative, that is also reflected in the lines of texts seemingly floating across the exhibition space. Anecdotal moments intertwine with historically charged objects as the artist switches between different narratorial perspectives.

Photos: Eva Kelety © Bildrecht, Wien 2021
Exhibition view Titania Seidl, 2021 | Photos: Rudolf Strobl © Bildrecht, Wien 2021

Titania Seidl (*1988) lives and works in Vienna. She has recently shown at White&Weiss Gallery, Bratislava; Raum mit Licht, Vienna; Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava; Daihatsu Rooftop Gallery, Vienna; Bruch und Dallas, Cologne; Quadrado Azul, Porto/Lisbon; White Dwarf Projects, Vienna. www.titania-seidl.net

Exhibition: Titania Seidl – See it as a stranger might
Exhibition duration: 19. October  until 17. November 2021
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 1 – 6 PM

Address and contact:
Bildraum 07
Burggasse 7-9, 1070 Vienna