Just as some of his works are labored over a longer period of time with patience and detail, some others are painted expressively within a single day. Drawing inspiration from personal memories, the artist blurs through his art the boundaries between representation and abstraction, dissolving the subject and giving importance to color and form. Lee does not restrict himself to one way of creative practice or one theme or style, his approach is fluid and unpredictable; always in motion.

Paradoxically, one element that seems to be an unconsciously reappearing subject within his latest work is the apple. Its attractive shape and color – as well as being very symbolic and charged with meaning throughout history – seem to have caught the artist’s attention as well. Thus the title „Applism“ which captures this free spirit of the artist, without restrictions, rules or boundaries, is reflecting his personal vision of art. Although the apple captivates the artist for many reasons as well as for none in particular, the exploration of the understanding of this element ends for him where the viewer’s perspective comes in. This visualization and interpretation of the works as a viewer is ultimately what will give the work a whole new and unique personal meaning.
Exhibition: Rhys Lee: Applism
Exhibition duration 16.06. 2022 – 07.07.2022
Address and contact:
Karl-Marx-Allee 85 10243 Berlin