Wien Kunst

Pureness. Ines Kaufmann

Compositions between self-discovery and eroticism, feminist art and teenage kitsch, dirtyness and pureness. The femme fatale of the modern Zeitgeist, as well as the exploration of the self,- and the image of others, becomes the subject of the artists work, It's about breaking social taboos and conventions.

The farce of the world, including the individuality, with their cultural codes and mechanisms, as well as the icons of pop culture, are part of the painterly discussion surface. A humorous game of contrasts becomes the central theme: Dirty nudity and innocent purity.

The playful, humorous handling of the self as well as with the motifs is consciously set. One’s own sexuality and desires are staged by the provocative dominance of nudity.

Ines Kaufmann was born in Carinthia. She currently lives and studies in Vienna at the Academy of the Fine Arts in the class Extended Painting Space of Daniel Richter. The interdisciplinary aspect of combining painting, videoart, poetry and performance is a necessary item the way she works. Her works has been shown at Parallel, Art Vienna, Vienna Art Week, among other exhibitions in Vienna, as well as in Dresden, Berlin, Rom and Barcelona.

Solo exhibition: Pureness. Ines Kaufmann
Duration: 20 January – 20 February 2021

Ines Kaufmann – www.ineskaufmann.at