Wien Kunst

3rd Issue Open Call. Blank DISCO

The topic of the 3rd issue is "DISCO". discotheque (n.): "club where recorded dance music is played," 1954 as a French word in English; nativized by 1964, from French discothèque "nightclub with recorded music for dancing" (by 1951), also "record library," borrowed 1932 from Italian discoteca "record collection, record library," coined 1927 from disco "phonograph record" (see disc), or see Greek dískos (δίσκος) m.
blank publication
Poster. blank “ DISCO“

„disk, quoit, platter“ related to dikein „to throw“, a way of discussion? – „to throw together“ like -teca „collection“ (from Latinized combining form of Greek thēkē „case, receptacle;“ see theco-), probably on model of biblioteca „library.

blank publication facts: They accept contributions in all languages – if they are not English or German they ask you to provide a translation (for the blank editing team). Please send them one selected pieces by the 31.12.2020 23:59 to editors@blankpublication.at

blank publication – www.blankpublication.at