Seeboden Kunst

LNR Open Call. The Art Vitrine

Les Nouveaux Riches is pleased to announce the open call for the Les Nouveaux Riches Kunst-Schaukästen in Seeboden am Millstätter See. The 'Kunst-Schaukasten' (The Art Vitrine) is a curated presentation format by Les Nouveaux Riches.

At Hauptstraße 84 in Seeboden am Millstätter See, the association curates an ongoing display of artworks from national and international artists throughout the year. The „Kunst-Schaukasten“ acts as an interface between art and the public, contributing a novel dimension to the public space.

What mediums are accepted? Text art, painting, sculpture, photography, digital art, illustration. Almost anything is possible, and creativity is given free rein.

Format of the submitted image: From experience, we only want to exhibit pictures in portrait format. The optimum size is height: 100 cm x width: 80 cm. The works do not have to be shown in their original size

How can you apply? Send your work (just one) as .jpg with a resolution of 300 dpi, to: mail@les-nouveaux-riches.com / Subject: LNR Art Vitrine

In addition, we need the following information from you: Your name, Title of the work, work caption, Ariststatement (250 characters), Link to the website

Start of the open call: 28th April 2024
Deadline of the open call: All applications must be submitted by the 1st of July 2024. The selected artist will be notified by email by the 31st of July 2024. No entry fee for the online open call!

The exhibition will take place in Autumn 2024. All information about the LNR Art Vitrine you can find here: www.les-nouveaux-riches.com/kunst-schaukasten/

Kristína Mésároš, Speed V 2022, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 80 cm
On view: Kristína Mésároš, Speed V 2022, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Transparency and LNR Statement. With the LNR Art Vitrine, we aim to provide artists with the opportunity to present themselves to a broader and new audience. We do not exhibit originals but print reproductions of the works on PVC. The image will be displayed in the showcase for 4-6 weeks. If an original sale occurs, we do not take any commission. We cover the costs of producing the print of the artwork and the postcards and promote it on social media, on our website, and in our newsletter.

Interview with Daniel Lichterwaldt about the Art Vitrine (in German)

About Les Nouveaux Riches. Les Nouveaux Riches (shortened LNR) started 5 years ago as a magazine and has since unfolded a cosmos that embeds art in a fresh and contemporary environment. Its mission is to report on the international art and culture scene through a multidisciplinary approach. LNR creates, produces, communicates, and experiments with diverse forms of expression that reflect its LNR mindset – from 200 cm long Art Scarves to XXL Wall Calendars. The productions embrace the subtle elegance of lifestyle. LNR is a space for creativity, style, freedom, community, and research. As the ideas and productions evolve over the years, we continue to release daily artist interviews and articles in German and English, just as we envisioned it from the very first day.

Some more links:
Magazine: www.les-nouveaux-riches.com/e-magazine/
Video from the Release Party: www.youtube.com/watch?v=33-frU27dGg
Instagram: www.instagram.com/lesnouveauxriches.mag/

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us – mail@les-nouveaux-riches.com. We are looking forward to your submissions.

Love. Your LNR Team

Land Kärnten Kultur

This initiative goes beyond the mere creation of visual impressions; it is dedicated to fostering dialogue and interaction. Les Nouveaux Riches is committed to shaping contemporary communication within the realms of art and culture while establishing all the time inventive presentation spaces. The realization of this project has been made possible through the generous support of Mag. Ulrike Ertl, the proprietor of the vitrine, and with the financial support of Land Kärnten Kultur. Explore additional events across Carinthia by visiting the Carinthian event database at www.veranstaltungen.kaernten.at.

Land Kärnten Kultur – www.kulturchannel.at