She started to think „let’s talk about bodies, sexual education, sexual perspectives, consense, self-love, fantasies, acceptance and pleasure“ – because it matters and talking about those things can change the violence we experience when we talk about sex or affective relations.

How did you grow up?
I grew up in a small town in México, so my perspective of the world was really dreamy at the beginning. But at one point I became convinced that the way behaviour is normalized or that what is generally considered „respectful“ is wrong. But I am convinced talking about those issues can change minds and eradicate these ideas and ideologies. México is amazing, full of beauty, great food, art like a real way of life no matter where in this country every corner has it.
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What is important to you in life?
What is important for me in life is to create better ways to live on this planet. Sometimes we forgot to be thankful, so we take for granted many things. Life is to experience, to feel, so yes, sometimes there’s pain, sometimes there is happiness but it’s all about the experience.

How do you define art?
For me, art is what makes you feel at total peace and in constant change. For me making experimental films is art, the way I can talk about sex or eroticism, how bodies can give you different messages, the beauty of the skin, everything that takes your breath away, yeah that’s art.
What do you love about permissiveness?
That you can be yourself and experiment all you want without feeling bad about it, that you can try different things and be safe.
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Sex. Is the Internet a change or a curse? Does it limit you or make you curious?
Well, my sex work it’s only online, so for me it’s a new era, an era of change, of sexual revolution and education of course. The Internet lets me explore in ways that „real life“ won’t. The matrix is happy to explore with me, we have a sexual relationship of consense and knowledge.
The Internet lets me explore in ways that „real life“ won’t. The matrix is happy to explore with me, we have a sexual relationship of consense and knowledge.

How did you find out about us? What do you know about Vienna?
I’ve been filming porn for some years now, so I saw some of your work on the Instagram of the porn festival of Vienna, so I was excited to show my photos. And because I’m in love with the history of this place, the Architecture and the culture too. And the most erotic experience for me is to share the way I see the world or manifest myself here.
Marielena –