Wertheim - Kultur

Die in den vergangenen Jahren entstandenen Serien von Marc Peschke lösen sich weit von den klassischen Stilmitteln der Fotografie. Die Werkreihen entstehen zumeist auf Reisen.

Athen - Kunst

CLOSING SOON is located in Kato Petralona district of the Greek capital. It exists right in the middle of residential buildings, small industries, a farmer market, night clubs, and close to the fine arts school.

St.Petersburg - Kunst

Without a doubt, 2020 will go down in human history as the year of the coronavirus. But in the history of art, it will be remembered as the year of new artistic phenomena like Covid aesthetics.

Wien - Kunst

In der Nachfolge seiner letzten Serie „Die Stadt“ steht Julian Mullans aktuelle Arbeit „Die Natur“. Nicht mehr der urbane Raum rückt darin in den Fokus, sondern die gewissermaßen von menschlicher Hand.

Wien - Kunst

Open Call for artists of all fields, musicians & cross-disciplinary practices. Improper Walls calls for applications on the topic IN*AUDIBLE & NON*VISUAL, which will be examined in an exhibition.

Tokio - Kultur

That night, a girl was having a good time together with her friends. They wanted to celebrate a bit more, but she felt too tired and decided to go home. This is a short story about her feelings and the emptiness in her heart.

Wien - Kunst

In der Malerei von Emma Kling verfangen sich Erfahrungen und Momente in ihren Darstellungen diverser Textilien. Stoffe, in ihren unterschiedlichsten Formen, begleiten uns Menschen rund um die Uhr.

Mailand - Kunst

Tatiana Yasinek is a Milan based gallery director and art advisor. She focuses on scouting young international artists who express their art in a powerful way and are able to attract the attention of viewers.

Tel Aviv - Kunst

Vera Vladimirsky was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1984. In 1991, she immigrated together with her family to Israel. The immediate surroundings in the new country, such as its architecture and flora.

Wien - Kunst

Marlies Wirth und Tevž Logar kuratieren Sondersektionen der Kunstmesse. Bei der Premiere von 24. bis 27. Juni 2021 werden insgesamt 40 Galerien für Solopräsentationen in den Sondersektionen eingeladen.