Wien - Kunst

Mona Seidl, bewegt sich in einem multimedialen Raum zwischen Poesie, und Malerei. Ihre Arbeit basiert auf einer sehr tiefen Verbindung zur Natur, weshalb Arbeitsplatz und Medium wechseln.

Reggio Emilia - Kunst

NEUTRO 6X 240×160 /180X160 – I was walking in a sort of back-alley* under Vienna’s relatively warm weather when I received Silvia’s, one of the three-team members of NEUTRO, interview reply.

Neapel - Kunst

I was moved by a radical interest in the relationship between arts and landscape, especially through the research of young artists. This gave me the opportunity to develop multiple visions.

Wien - Kunst

Blanca Amorós mysterious and yet familiar paintings, based on found photographs and other archival source materials, deconstruct with irony some mythologies of our post-industrial society.

Wien - Kunst

Ab Freitag, den 5. Februar 2021 sind ausgewählte Arbeiten von Barbara Kapusta unter dem Titel „Union“ über die Schaufensterfront des JesuitenFoyer in der Bäckerstraße 18, 1010 Wien zu sehen.

Wien - Kultur

Xenia Snapiro is a visual artist from Ukraine. Based in Vienna and with documentary and conceptual photography being two main directions of her work, she uses photography to tell stories.

Wien - Kunst

Agni Dasein is an Russian-Austrian Artist, who made her debut with her first international solo exhibition in 2013 in Graz. She works primarily in painting, however she is also active in sculpture.

Wien - Kunst

“Will fit comfortably. Well made in every way. Comes in stripes or plane colors. Dependable quality A real value!“ These and other appealing features can be read next to the images in a catalog of Sears.

Wertheim - Kultur

Die in den vergangenen Jahren entstandenen Serien von Marc Peschke lösen sich weit von den klassischen Stilmitteln der Fotografie. Die Werkreihen entstehen zumeist auf Reisen.

Athen - Kunst

CLOSING SOON is located in Kato Petralona district of the Greek capital. It exists right in the middle of residential buildings, small industries, a farmer market, night clubs, and close to the fine arts school.

St.Petersburg - Kunst

Without a doubt, 2020 will go down in human history as the year of the coronavirus. But in the history of art, it will be remembered as the year of new artistic phenomena like Covid aesthetics.

Wien - Kunst

In der Nachfolge seiner letzten Serie „Die Stadt“ steht Julian Mullans aktuelle Arbeit „Die Natur“. Nicht mehr der urbane Raum rückt darin in den Fokus, sondern die gewissermaßen von menschlicher Hand.