Wien - Kunst

Micha Wille ist in Tirol geboren, wo ihr Onkel im Kaunertal auf dem Bauernhof der Familie seit 40 Jahren die größte Orgel der Welt baut. Im Stall lief immer Ö1. Mit 17 zog sie nach Wien.

Barcelona - Kunst

Jaume Ribas was born in Granollers, a mid-size town in Catalonia, studied in a religious boarding school in Barcelona and licensed in Philosophy and Theology. He had his first solo exhibition in 1981.

Wien - Mode

Ordained Hardware is a brand founded by fashion designer Agnes Varnai, focusing on upcycled bags and accessories, that pushes the idea of fashion beyond its known territories.

Wien - Kunst

When I asked the German artist Philipp Renda why his frames look so unconventional, he answered: I really like frames, but I also love to deconstruct them and play with the idea of what a frame is.

Posen - Kunst

Blazej Rusin is postgraffiti painter. Born in 1988 on the edge of oldest forest in Europe, north-east Poland, Bialowieza Primeval Forest. He did 20 solo exhibitions, 14 group shows in 16 countries.

Wien - Kultur

„Wir brennen“ denkt die seit März 2020 bestehende Abwesenheit des Theaters bis ins Absurde weiter. Das Kollektiv phunkenwerk stellt sich in der neuen Produktion aktuell die Frage, wie Theater stattfinden kann.

Kiew - Kultur

I personally perceive documentary photography as a type of movie making. When I take photos of the ordinary life around me, especially in countries like Ukraine and Russia, everything becomes cinematographic.