Fani Zguro (b. 1977, Tirana) is acclaimed not only as an artist, but also for his groundbreaking experience as a curator, with a specific interest in video, film and sound.
Eine Ausstellung der Studierenden der Klasse Fotografie bei Gabriele Rothemann, Universität für angewandte Kunst bei Never At Home (Schellinggasse 13, 1010 Wien). Jeder Stein hat ein Gewicht.
Eine Gewichtswunderpille, eine Actionheldin oder eine Schönheitskönigin im Plus Size Format: Veronika Merkleins Performancekunst ist surreal, sozialpolitisch und immer voller hintergründigem Witz.
Marc Sparfel is a French artist, living and working in Barcelona for more than 20 years. He spent his childhood in the countryside, in front of the sea. His first contact with art was through his father’s books.
Stefanie Wuschitz works at the intersection of research, art and activism. She graduated with an MFA in Transmedia Arts in 2006 with an animation movie on a Lebanese refugee camp.
For her first show she created a portrait series of Leonardo DiCaprio exhibited paired or grouped with self-portraits. Rendered in small format, against the plain background, the protagonists appear cut out of context.
„Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich sagen soll.“ Das war einer der ersten Gedanken, als ich von dem Krieg in der Ukraine erfahren habe. Und wahrscheinlich ging es da Vielen ähnlich.
Sie wollen beim angeregten Tischgespräch zum aktuellen Kunstthema mitdiskutieren können? In unserem Podcast „Ausgesprochen Kunst“ gibt Alexander Giese Einblicke in die Kunstszene.
Christian Hutzinger, aufgewachsen in Mödling, Old Greenwich und Ebensee am Traunsee. Ausstellungen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen im In- und Ausland, u.a. „still“ MUMOK, Wien 2004.
Montecristo Project is an exhibition space in a deserted island along the Sardinian coasts, working there and abroad as an artistic and curatorial office. Founded in 2016, it is an evolution of Occhio Riflesso.
There are four big paintings up now at his first ever exhibition of his work, presented by WasserWasser³ at Tonlager. Three are bright red, like American fire engines, and one is black and white with fleshy drips.
Art on a Postcard is proud to present the third edition of its annual International Woman’s Day Auction, featuring work by leading established and emerging female identifying talent.
Florian Lang beschäftigt sich in seinen collagierten Malereien und Videos mit der Diskrepanz zwischen dem individualisierten Drang zu Selbstinszenierung der Menschen und deren Verlorengehen in der Masse.
What makes a manifesto? What constitutes activism? And can there even be such a thing as a “silent manifesto” or does it remain contradictory? Those are the questions of the exhibition.