München - Kunst

It is impossible to see Caro Jost’s work and remain untouched. Since 2000, the artist works worldwide and documents time, space, and events of life in her unique artistic approach.

Hallein - Kunst

Tina Kohlmann and Andreas Diefenbach have known each other for quite some time. What unites these two, among other things, is a great love of countercultures, of worlds that promise more than quick rewards.

Karlsruhe - Kunst

Paul Gehri wurde 1997 in Karlsruhe geboren, und begann nach einigen Erfahrungen im Handwerk und in der sozialen- und der Bildungsarbeit das Bildhauereistudium an der Kunstakademie Karlsruhe.

Genf - Kunst

Ebru Duruman has studied high school at ENKA Schools, Istanbul and has been awarded with the honorary ART Award in 2010. She has graduated from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in 2015.

Wien - Kunst

C/20 is an association for international curatorial practice co-founded in 2020 by Paula Marschalek and Alexandra Steinacker. The focus of C/20 is to bring arts and culture closer to the community.

Wien - Kunst

Am Beginn stand eine Forschungsreise ins Tropical Island Resorts, einer im Landesinneren Deutschlands situierten, künstlichen Strandurlaubsoase. Fasziniert von der künstlichen Erschaffung des Südseetraums.

Wien - Kunst

“Search for Your People” is a name of a Telegram channel containing photos of killed and captured Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. The image of a teared apart soldier was found in that Telegram group.

Wien - Kunst

Raising Hands ist ein partizipatives Kunstprojekt von Julia Bugram, das zwei sich helfende Hände aus einer Million 1-Cent-Münzen zeigt. Eineinhalb Meter hoch, drei Meter breit und zwei Meter tief.

Wien - Kunst

Andreas Palfinger is an interdisciplinary artist, practicing within the frameworks of virtual architectural scenography and functional fictions. His ethos embraces critical and speculative approaches.

Wien - Kunst

Das diesjährige Team des kunst.wollen Festival hat erneut ein spannendes und vielseitiges Programm zusammenzustellen. Es wird vom 19. bis 21. Mai 2022, bei verschiedensten Institutionen in Wien stattfinden.

Athen - Kunst

I often get lost in the search for exhibitions that take place abroad. Through the platform Current Athens, I learned about the show „Bread and Digestifs“. The art space, Callirrhoë is relatively new, and when I see the pictures and the area, the place reminds me strongly of my hometown Tirana.