Toronto - Kunst

Kim Dorland pushes the boundaries of painted representation through an exploration of memory, material, nostalgia, identity and place. Drawing heavily from the Canadian landscape.

Wien - Kunst

Sich die Hände zu reichen, zeugt vom Entstehen eines Miteinanders, das sich nicht im Satz »ich bin bei dir« auflöst, stattdessen ein Mehr suggeriert. Dieser Akt ruft ein solidarisches Wir hervor (raise).

Paris - Kunst

In Impuzzibil, there are these bodies struggling and folding and stretching in stacked boxes. They didn’t disappear but they’re not fully there either. And there is no magician present to help out.

Venedig - Kunst

The 59th edition of the Venice Biennale will start in a week. Various artists have been representing Albania since 1999 at this exhibition. This is the first time that a female artist is representing the country.

Wien - Kunst

From one art fair to the next, from Vienna to Milan. Therefore, the impressions of the second edition of SPARK reach the reader a little late. I deliberately visited the site of the art fair three times.

Wien - Kunst

Faye Wei Wei’s paintings feel like they are wearing lingerie, draped in a body of delicate sensuous marks. The colors, often posed against a white background of exposed untouched canvas, are transparent and fleeting.

Berlin - Kunst

A dominating motive theme in her work is using the unexpected to create tension. Playing with the viewers expectations, she broaches the issue of moments paired with distorted items of her imagination.

Wien - Kunst

Mela Diamant zeigt in ihren Arbeiten märchenhaft und modern schwere Geschichte und luftigen Tod, Jahrtausende entfernt und doch ganz nah und heute. Man sieht Frohsinn und Leichtigkeit.

Berlin - Kunst

A Coloured Story, a solo exhibition, by painter Idowu Oluwaseun explores Black intimacy across a spectrum of skin colours. In our ongoing racialized modernity, the taboo or the stigmata of being in possession of more or less melanin shows up in the pervasiveness of colorism—an inheritance of the violence of slavery and colonialism—that continues to organize intraracial sociality today.

Wien - Kunst

The classic 90s anime franchise Evangelion proposes a theory where humanity can overcome its bodily boundaries and unite their souls as one, brought onwards by mankind, a forced step in evolution.

Wien - Kunst

Ein Zauberwort * aus dem Lateinischen, auf Deutsch „ich werde verwandelt werden“, das paradoxerweise nichts in etwas verwandelt, sondern nur auf die Zeitlichkeit des Vorganges an sich verweist.

Frankfurt - Kunst

Julian Heuser arbeitet in Frankfurt am Main, schloss 2009 ein Architekturstudium ab und arbeitete danach als Assistenz bei Tobias Rehberger. Später studierte er in Offenbach und Salzburg.