Wien - Kunst

Während des ersten Lockdowns habe ich Freund*innen und Bekannte gebeten, mir Selfies zu schicken. Ausgehend von diesen Fotos am Smart Phone entstand eine Vielzahl von Porträts.

Leipzig - Kunst

Ivana de Vivanco is a Chilean-Peruvian artist based in Germany working across media. She studied fine art at the University of Chile in Santiago and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig.

Wien - Kunst

The exhibition gives us insights into the spectrum of expressive forms of art. The artworks shown are based on what had happened, memories and perception, spanning from the past into the future.

Paris - Kunst

Lavinia de Rothschild is an artist, art collector who has never felt like she belonged to any one culture or nationality. Lavinia has always felt closer to animals and nature than to humans and our mechanical world.

Wien - Kunst

Seit 25 Jahren leitet Claudia Bosse die von ihr gegründete Kompangie theatercombinat, welches sich mit den Grenzen und Intersektionen von Theater, Performance und Kunst beschäftigt.

Wien - Kunst

Kalina Horon is an artist painter from Poland, who has been living in Vienna since 2014. Although she received classical music training in her childhood and youth, she decided to give it up in favour of painting.

Berlin - Kunst

Die Künstlerin Anna Kuen lebt und arbeitet in Berlin. Ihr Studium der Malerei hat sie an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien in der Klasse Daniel Richter erfolgreich absolviert.

Essex - Kunst

Kenji Lim graduated with a BFA from Ruskin School of Art, Oxford University, in 2002 and with a Masters in Sculpture from The Royal College of Art, London, in 2019, and has lived many lives in between.

München - Kunst

Aliya Abs lebt und arbeitet als Künstlerin in München. Sowohl den Bachelor- als auch den Masterstudiengang an der Nationalen Akademie der Künste in Lviv, hat sie jeweils mit Auszeichnung abgeschlossen.

Prag - Kunst

Tomáš Jetela is a Czech artist, born in 1986, who lives and works in Prague. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague where he studied in the studio of Michal Rittstein.

Los Angeles - Kunst

Dan McCleary is a Los Angeles based artist. He has exhibited extensively in the United States and frequently travels to Oaxaca, Mexico, where he makes etchings at the Taller Sangfer.

Wien - Kunst

Die Gruppenausstellung „collective memory. awareness over generations.“ im Ausstellungsraum von NEVER AT HOME gibt uns Einblicke in das Spektrum von expressiven Ausdrucksformen der Künstler*innen.