Paris - Kunst

Dongni Hou She now lives and resides in France. Her works reveal under the brushes all the poetic nuances of the human soul, even in the darkest corners, even if supported by bright colors.

Bschlabs - Kunst

Auf 1400 m Höhe, in einem Seitental im Tiroler Außerfern, befindet sich mit dem Bschlabertal die Location der medienfrische. 33 Tage lang haltet Kunst Einzug in einem abgelegenen Alpental.

Paris - Kunst

On the occasion of Tom of Finland’s birthday, the Foundation and The Community have curated AllTogether, a group presenting Tom of Finland Foundation’s permanent collection to the public.

Toledo - Kunst

Han Xiao was born in China. In 2021, his family moved to Spain. In 2005, he graduated from the Design Department of the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, majoring in Landscape.

Wien - Kunst

Während des ersten Lockdowns habe ich Freund*innen und Bekannte gebeten, mir Selfies zu schicken. Ausgehend von diesen Fotos am Smart Phone entstand eine Vielzahl von Porträts.

Leipzig - Kunst

Ivana de Vivanco is a Chilean-Peruvian artist based in Germany working across media. She studied fine art at the University of Chile in Santiago and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig.

Wien - Kunst

The exhibition gives us insights into the spectrum of expressive forms of art. The artworks shown are based on what had happened, memories and perception, spanning from the past into the future.

Paris - Kunst

Lavinia de Rothschild is an artist, art collector who has never felt like she belonged to any one culture or nationality. Lavinia has always felt closer to animals and nature than to humans and our mechanical world.

Wien - Kunst

Seit 25 Jahren leitet Claudia Bosse die von ihr gegründete Kompangie theatercombinat, welches sich mit den Grenzen und Intersektionen von Theater, Performance und Kunst beschäftigt.

Wien - Kunst

Kalina Horon is an artist painter from Poland, who has been living in Vienna since 2014. Although she received classical music training in her childhood and youth, she decided to give it up in favour of painting.