York - Kunst

Cat Spilman is an American-born artist living and working in the UK. Her work addresses the themes of distance and separation, belonging, modern feminism and motherhood.

Wien - Kunst

Die Messe für internationale zeitgenössische Kunst, Moderne und Design findet 2022 in Schönbrunn statt! Die ART VIENNA findet von 16. bis 18. September 2022 zum ersten Mal in Schönbrunn statt.

Shanghai - Kunst

Riniifish basically creates bugs. By relying on the series of fantasies, she tells the story of her creative process to find the much-needed freedom and security to heal the potted plants.

Wien - Kunst

In a residential area on the outskirts of Geneva, in a white 2012 Subaru Legacy, Alfredo Aceto and Thomas Liu Le Lann chew white chocolate cubes. In Chew (2022), a video loop just under nine minutes long.

Krakau - Kunst

In an Ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, clouds are something more than mere decoration or staffage, more than the matter out of which impressive landscapes are moulded, as of clay.

Warschau - Kunst

Wrocław Contemporary Museum presents installations, video works and a series of graphics . The duo’s creative work stems from their fascination with the relations between sound and space.

Berlin - Kunst

Sara Rahmanian is a multidisciplinary artist fascinated by everyday objects and the absurdity of contemporary life. She uses painting to explore the imaginative gaps between reality and perception.

Wien - Kunst

Das internationale, dezentrale und transdisziplinäre Kunst- und Kulturfestival fand dieses Jahr mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Never go back“ von 01. bis 09. Juli an verschiedenen Standorten im 15. Bezirk statt.

Gmunden - Kunst

PARALLEL VIENNA präsentiert zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum der Kunstmesse erstmalig das Format PARALLEL Skulpturenpark. Der Skulpturenpark wird während der gesamten Zeit frei zugänglich sein.

Millstatt - Kunst

Die Raum-Installation/Performance „inter relations“ aus der Reihe „archipelago“ von Andrea K. Schlehwein und NETZWERK AKS. In den wirkmächtigen Sälen des ehemaligen Benediktinerklosters Millstatt.