Before moving to Berlin to study fine arts at Universität der Künste, Media Esfarjani studied English literature and art education in Frankfurt. She finds her greatest sources of influence in literature.
Bringing drawing into public space is one of Lavinia Lanner’s endeavours to make the viewers used to the analogue line again. Whereas cities are full of artificially produced visual stimuli.
“Lost My Way” erzählt die Geschichte einer Frau und ihrem Umgang mit Pubertät, Verlust und der Suche nach sich selbst. All diese Dinge können uns schon Mal über den Kopf wachsen.
Signs distract from the black nothingness that threatens to swallow the serifs. A hand with six fingers, a dog perhaps, pieces of clouds, and something like a bird, dance around Les Nouveaux Riches.
In ‘Time Passes’, the middle section of Virginia Woolf’s novel To The Lighthouse, the prose tracks through the Ramsay family’s vacated summer home. The island airs survey the house.
Der Dachauer Künstler Richard Wurm, belegte 1989 einen Kurs bei Prof. Dieter Rehm. Nach seinem Studium an der TUM, und einer Karriere als Bauingenieur, begann er 2012 mit der Malerei.
Free thoughts of animals on the origin of the work of art and vice versa. Prologue. BIRD: My name is Deltitnu and I’m dead. My heart no longer beats; only my killer knows what happened to me.
Mai 36 Galerie is delighted to announce the first exhibition with Irma Blank featuring a spectrum of works from nine different series on which the artist was working on from 1970 through 2018.
What binds the natural and the artificial worlds is a thin interwoven string of artistic exploration found in Susi Gelb’s exhibition LOOPZRING. Equipped with a fascination for scientific boundaries.
On the occasion of the Turin art week, CRAG Gallery presents BLAZE, a personal exhibition by the artist Giacomo Modolo. The exhibition was born from a new pictorial cycle of the young artist.
Marlene Heidinger (geb. 1996 in Wien) beschäftigt sich in ihrer Arbeit mit Voyeurismus, Scripted-Reality-Formaten und dem Mangel an Privatsphäre in den modernen Medien.
My name is Federico Vecchi I am an Italian painter and sculptor based in Vienna. I am making this crowdfunding because I was chosen to participate in the prestigious artist-in-residence project Via Farini.
Löwe & Krokodil sind auf einer einsamen Insel gestrandet. Ihre Sehnsucht nach Zuhause wird unerträglich. Sie bauen ein Floß um diese zu verlassen. Wenige Tage später landen sie jedoch auf der Insel.
Artissima, the International Fair of Contemporary Art in Turin, is the only fair in Italy with an exclusive focus on contemporary art. The 29th edition will be led for the first time by Luigi Fassi.