Am 7. Dezember wurde der Creative Cluster zum Schauplatz eines besonderen Events. Die muralia, Calle Libre und die Initiative Frankensteins Fahrrad luden zu einem Kunst-Pop-up ein.
Agnes Scherer verbindet Malerei, bemalte Skulptur und Zeichnung zu rätselhaften Installationen und Bühnenstücken, die leibliche Präsenz und aktive geistige Auseinandersetzung fordern.
The two prize-winners Rawan Almukhtar (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna) and Ida Kammerloch (University of Applied Arts Vienna) will receive a joint exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien in January 2025.
ZAK wurde 2020 gegründet, um künstlerische Projekte in verschiedenen Kontexten zu fördern. Mit „UFO | ultra fett original“ gewann sie 2021 den Nachwuchspreis des Theaters Drachengasse.
Tirana Art Weekend is the first public event of AVAN, bringing together major actors from the independent art scene, with a roster of exhibition spaces, cultural.
Jeremias erzählt mir, dass diese Schnecken aus dem Garten seiner verstorbenen Großeltern stammen und mit Erinnerungen verbunden sind – er beginnt zu malen, und wir beginnen unsere Gespräche.
In our interview, we spoke with Mona Schulzek about the connection between life on Earth and extraterrestrial life, the concept of time, and the role of art as a universal language.
Dominika was born in Slovakia. In her oil paintings she depicts themes related to the world of young women and communicates in them the traumas experienced by women.
I arrived at the Ankerbrotfabrik in the 10th district around 6 pm. The lights in the rooms were still sporadically flickering, people were on their way home from work.
With a passion for drawing and painting from a young age, Susana discovered Arraiolos tapestry during her studies, while also exploring illustration and printmaking.
Francesca Heart is the music project of Italian artist and choreographer Francesca Mariano. Her practice moves between live performances and experimental community workshops.
In a conversation with us, Rosa Anschütz offers insight into her artistic practice and her upcoming performance at Vienna’s Volkstheater for the DESERTSHORE music festival.
Ester Parásková is a Czech artist currently based in Prague, where she graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design. Her work is distinguished by its dynamic energy.
Paul Valentin’s work investigates profound metaphysical themes, including truth, nothingness, and the structure of reality. While primarily known for his video art, his practice also encompasses.