In order to illustrate the complex mechanisms of interaction between the inside and the outside, Genser created a space within a space – the in-situ installation Noasis.
The accessible column with mirrored windows seems to offer refuge from social interactions. But there is a trap lurking behind the shielding facade: the mirrored glass has an integrated a spy function that subjects the people inside to voyeuristic gazes. At a time when social media and other digital platforms enable omnipresent surveillance, Genser raises the question of the accessibility of true relaxation. The article sheds light on the desire for tranquility and at the same time the inescapable observation to which the visitors to the exhibition are exposed. On the threshold between isolation and exhibitionism, the visitor decides which side he/she wants to be on.

In contrast to his earlier works, Jari Gensers exhibition focuses on the reduction and concentration of the pictorial content. The artist found the inspiration for the paintings during his residency in Paris this year. The title Never Happy Enough refers, among other things, to this nomadic existence.
Exhibition: Jari Genser. Never Happy Enough
Exhibition duration: 1.7. till 14.8.2024
Address and contact:
Bildraum 07
Burggasse 7-9, 1070 Vienna
Jari Genser – www.jarigenser.com, www.instagram.com/jarigenser/