When did you found the A.MORE gallery? How did it come about?
A.MORE gallery opened in September 2020. Probably this is not the best period but after having worked for almost 15 years in other galleries, I decided it was the right time to open my gallery. This was also facilitated by the fact that few months before I met my business partner, who shares with me the same passion for contemporary art and the same vision for the gallery.
Who are your biggest influences?
To be honest I don’t think to have much “external” influences. I trust on my personal feelings and sensibility. Having worked for so many years in this world I believe to have built the capacity to understand if a young artist is powerful and will attract the interest of collectors and if she/he has that “plus” which will consent her/him to emerge.

How do you choose the artists?
I personally choose all the artists that I show. If I have to propose and sell an artist to one of my collectors I need to be absolutely convinced about it: I don’t think is right to sell an artist in who you don’t believe. It’s a matter of reputation and relationship. Often I’m the first buyer of the artists I show! As said before I trust on my personal feelings: I like going around and looking at students in Art Academies and Schools of Art as well as web platforms. This is the first step. When I find an artist who I believe has the right characteristics I then start a dialogue with him: this is a key aspect since will allow you to understand if he has not only the right technical skills but also the personal skills, which are fundamental for being an artist. This process can last few weeks or two years since not all the artists have the same maturity and someone could take longer to develop them.
Often I’m the first buyer of the artists I show! As said before I trust on my personal feelings: I like going around and looking at students in Art Academies and Schools of Art as well as web platforms.

How would you rate the investment in art?
First of all I would like to say that buying art is not simply investing money but it something that goes beyond that since it involves also your feelings and your heart. Buying art has something magical, you can perceive that from the eyes and the expressions of collectors when they decide to buy “that” piece. Said that I strongly believe that investing in art is a perfect way to diversify your portfolio and all historical statistics show that this category has been one of the best performing in the last decade.
Favourite place in Milan?
I really like the city center, mainly early in the morning during springtime when the sky is so blue and the air is crisp. Milan is a wonderful city.
What your plans for 2021?
The first target is to open the next show by Jacob Patrick Brooks in January! He is really a young talented artist from the New York Academy of Art and I strongly believe in him. His works are really powerful and materic and tell about the American suburban society where he grew. Cleary the gallery work is impacted by the pandemic situation, but safety first! My dream for 2021 is that art fair will re-open: this is fundamental for a gallery whose aim is to show and propose young artists but is also important for the art world in general, the artists and collectors.
Current exhibition:
Jacob Patrick Brooks – Panic Room
Duration: 13 January to 3 March 2021
Previous exhibition:
Solo exhibition by Reihaneh Hosseini
Duration: 1 October to 14 November 2020
Address and Contact:
A.MORE gallery
Via A. Massena, 19
It-20145 Milano
Tatiana Yasinek – www.www.instagram.com/tatiana_yasinek/