Berlin Kunst

Interview. Sojin Park

Sojin Park was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. As a kid, she always loved making something with her own hands. After graduating a design college in Korea, she wanted to study fashion and art further. Then Sojin Park decided to move to Berlin, back then she found this city very attractive. She studied at ESMOD Berlin, and up until now she is still based in Berlin. Sojin is a fashion designer and painter. Her works range from illustration, printmaking to installation. There’s also a label she created, it’s called ‘Assembled Half’, and it’s more focused on clothing and personal artworks.

What feelings you have while doing what you love?
When I am doing what I love, I feel so free. At the very moment new ideas are created and I get the energy that keeps me up.

Do you have a muse?
I get attracted to people who are on the border lines, who has a distinctive character, or who has multiple identities.

How would do describe your Label „AssembledHalf“?
The core concept of the label would be summed up as ‘Between’. The beauty of synthesis, and the spirit of ‘Bibim (which means a mixture of different things in Korean)’. I am interested in reinterpreting old things by transforming. I do everything by myself, from designing to cutting and sewing. But always the first step is to draw and paint. Then I connect those outputs to my clothing collection. Usually I paint directly on a fabric, or sometimes reproduce the original pre-drawn images on a fabric. Therefore each piece is created by my hands, and produced independently, and it makes it unique and one of a kind piece just for the person who will be wearing it.

What was the idea behind you last collection?
I do not fix a special concept or theme for each season. I normally try to reflect my interests, or reinterpret the same theme that I used to have. For the latest collection, I connected my painting works which were called ‘Face to Face’ with the clothing line. It implies a meaning that instead of looking at things, look between things. I constantly seek for new resources, such as masks, spiritual patterns, something between the nature and the space.

Therefore each piece is created by my hands, and produced independently, and it makes it unique and one of a kind piece just for the person who will be wearing it.

Where people can buy your clothes/art?
You can either purchase directly from my atelier, or a concept store in Berlin Mitte, ‘Studio 183’, and Bikini Berlin.
