Wien Art Fair

Interview. Jan Gustav Fiedler

Since 2023, Walter Seidl and Jan Gustav Fiedler have assumed the artistic direction of the SPARK Art Fair in Vienna. We spoke with the curator, Jan Gustav, about his approach and the concept.

How would you describe the main goals of you and the team while organizing this year’s SPARK?
The goal was to further develop the fair concept based on the proven approach of showcasing exclusively solo presentations. This year’s edition follows the curatorial concept of “the city in dialogue” and highlights Vienna’s position as a hub for contemporary art and a place for renowned institutions. The curatorial board, consisting of Walter Seidl, Marina Fokidis, Christoph Doswald, and myself, aimed to curate the fair in its entirety, thus enhancing the institutional flair of the overall presentation. Another new aspect is a curated video program in the Globe Theatre located within the Marx Halle, where a talk program featuring numerous international guests will also take place. One main goal is to internationalize the fair by involving more galleries, artists, and visitors.

Fiedler, Jan Gustav © aeliaandthecamera
Jan Gustav Fiedler © aeliaandthecamera

Did your experience in the off-space scene, among other things, help you at the SPARK Art Fair?
Working in the off-space scene and together with young and emerging artists has been a key experience that plays a central role in the curation of the fair. One central aspect during the invitation process of SPARK was to present exciting emerging positions from the Austria-based art scene, such as Marc Henry (Galerie Kandlhofer), Negra Bernhard (Smolka Contemporary), Maximiliano León (Barvinskyi Art Gallery), Louise Deininger (Xenson Art Space), Arang Choi (Elektrohalle Rhomberg), Eiko Gröschl (Charim Galerie), Konstanze Stoiber (Galerie nächst St. Stephan), and Karo Kuchar (Galerie Suppan).

Do you see an increasing relevance of supporting programs at the Art Fair in terms of growing artistic diversity?
The interaction with the city and our partner goes hand in hand with the motto of the Art Fair. It also attracts international visitors to experience the numerous facets of cultural life in Vienna, with over 100 exhibited artists from all over the world, talks, and the city itself with guided museum tours, private collection visits, receptions, and parties.

If you perceive the Art Fair as an immersive realm of experiences, what is particularly important?
To provide the best possible stage for the exhibited artists.

What message would you like to convey to visitors?
Immerse yourself in the Art Fair, and if the encounter sparks a connection with the artworks, don’t hesitate to take them home.

Jan Gustav Fiedler – www.instagram.com/jangustavfiedler/

Note: This text is part of our WallArt Journal #2, which we specially produced for the SPARK Art Fair 2024 in Vienna. You can find copies around Vienna, or if you want to have one, feel free to contact us.