Wien Kunst

Azadeh Ardalan. Her passion

Azadeh Ardalan was born in Iran. At a young age she started learning different foreign languages. Her passion for learning different languages led her to know more about the cinema and literature of different countries. After diploma she decided to study languages and literature at Bologna university in Italy.
the old road, 2020,mixed media on canvas, 50x70cm
The old road, 2020, mixed media on canvas, 50x70cm

She is a self-taught painter and started painting seriously in parallel to her studies at university. After graduating from university she has found more time to make painting.

What is your background?
I have always been fascinated by art. Acting, cinema and theatre have always been a source to make my imagination stronger. My interest for painting came later. I was interested in languages too. But for whatever reason i knew somehow that i was going to be an artist. I remember taking acting classes years ago which has helped me a lot to learn to express my self in painting.

something about sunshine, 2020,mixed media on canvas, 50x70cm
Something about sunshine, 2020, mixed media on canvas, 50x70cm

What themes do you pursue?
My current works depict mostly human figures in interior spaces. These figures show the moment in which every thing can just be seen. The figures are situated within a scene and the management of spaces around the figures is an important element in my current works. For creating these art works i have thought a lot about the colours changing in darker interiors and how the colours maintain the brightness and vividity in dark places. Bright colours in my paintings seem to come out at night with a source of light which sometimes come from a window. Colour and composition are two fondamental element in my current works. They work parallelly to describe the themes of the paintings.

What is your inspiration? Who are your biggest influences?
I take inspiration from things I see every day, literature, films, human gestures and poetry. I am constantly surrounded by contemporary influences which affect my works often in an unconscious way.

Why art? What is art for you?
For me art is a way to translate my visual knowledge, imagination and memories of things that exist in our everyday life into a creation tangible by the observer.

untitled, digital painting, 2021,50x70cm
untitled, digital painting, 2021, 50x70cm

Green or blue? Why?
I’m definitely attracted to both of them. Both colours mean a lot to my painting and the need for each of them changes from work to work. I normally choose a vast colour palette which i sometimes plan out before starting the painting. Choosing each of these colours depond on so many elements in my paintings although in my current practice i am developing an inclination towards „blue“.

What are you currently working on?
My recent paintings feature mostly human figures who are sitting or standing in interior spaces like a set of theatre. Although this underlines my recent works, each one creates an individual atmosphere. At the moment i am focusing on a new series of art works which are situated in the nature with completely different mediums.

Azadeh Ardalan – www.instagram.com/ardalanazadeh