Wien Ausstellung


GIRLS AND THE CITY: explores the power and challenges faced by women in urban spaces. This group exhibition highlights themes of empowerment, identity, and resistance, showcasing the diverse experiences of women in the city. The exhibition presents the resilience and creativity of women claiming their place in the urban environment.
Exhibition view: GIRLS AND THE CITY Artists: Livia Avianus, Haidy Darwish, Ines Kaufmann
Exhibition view: GIRLS AND THE CITY. Artists: Livia Avianus, Haidy Darwish, Ines Kaufmann

„Usually I don’t go to exhibitions and if I go I don’t enjoy it. I prefer a good bar or even a club, where its about moves and looks and charms but yesterday I experienced something truly magical. My dog rusty, he just wouldn’t stop pulling on the leach, I ran in my heels and enjoyed it pretty much, I must admit. The liberty, I think in heels you are faster because you are already tip toeing. Laughing I arrived at a venue where the most beautifully dressed creatures awaited me. It was like a Sofia Coppola movie. People ate a cake inspired by the Chloe 2003 Campaign with the pineapples and the horses in it.

It was classy and loud, a hot DJ girl played raggaton and people danced with primarily there asses. I was offered champagne which was accompanied by a miniature version of Dita van tees made out of espresso martini foam. I went inside and the artworks were windows showing an alternative reality in which Adam was the one being seduced by the snake to have sex with his girlfriend Eva, not the other way around which seemed more realistic to me. I called my girlfriends immediately and we got fucked up!“

This fantasy, written by Livia Avianus, envisions the exhibition taking place in another world where women are free, powerful, and can do whatever they want. It reflects the power and struggles of women in the city, showing a world where women write their own stories and celebrate their strength.

Artists: Livia Avianus, Haidy Darwish, Ines Kaufmann
Exhibition duration: 22.6-8.7.2024
Location: Aussenstelle Kunst, Schönbrunner Str. 60, 1050 Vienna