Wien Kunst

Exhibition. Trudi Bloom – Close

„I spent the Pandemic period in France. I was living out in the country, in a little corner of the Cote d'Azur facing the Mediterranean. That peculiar feeling of forced isolation and solitude that I went through in those months raised in me a complex feeling of absence that was related to the loss of social interaction and human proximity; a suspension of real life for which I had no previous experience, because it wasn't just the solitude I had chosen, but also a forced isolation.
Trudi Bloom CLOSE RCA Altes Landgut

A condition of absence twice as felt! During those endless empty days, nature and painting came to my help, through the color and shape of flowers, plants, sunsets and clouds, together with acrylic, polyester, canvas, plastic and paper, all these shapes of reality helped me make a new sense of time. Without any fracture, what happened is that my time took completely different and unexpected shapes, surfaces, colors and actions. A new era was unfolding before me, born of the interaction between place and moment, and full of other changes as well which, among other things, brought me to Sicily, where this process of change keeps going together with other shapes and social dimensions. The works on display in „Close“ are the result of the relationship with my solitude, closed and close to a time, and they’re effectively set up in an exhibition space that well describes this condition of spacial boundary and social distancing, because it allows the fruition of the works only from the outside and in a very limited space.“

Trudi Bloom, born in 1986, is a Viennese artist. She is elaborating ways of abstract painting, producing work of digital art and mixed media art. After studying fine arts at the University of Applied Arts she has been working as independent artist as well as art director in the media industry. Her work is mostly inspired by plants and sight specific input. Since 2019 the artist has developed a loose and flexible workflow that allows her to move and create on sight, spending time in nature and discovering new places.

On view: Red Carpet Art Award Showroom Altes Landgut (U1, Exit Altes Landgut). More informations: www.redcarpetartaward.com

Trudi Bloom – www.trudibloom.com