Wien Ausstellung

Exhibition. SOIL GENESIS

Wet - hot - dry - cold: SOIL GENESIS ultimately is a study in elemental media. States of aggregation and the transitions between them are the invisible narratives we should direct our attention to when experiencing the exhibition. What about the air's humidity today? What does the piece of clay dug up outside tell us about the weather centuries ago?

How hot is the kiln and how much energy did the artists employ to excavate the plot outside? What is the smell of the drying wet soil on the columns inside? How is history formed: Is it a discovery of ancient ruins, a reading of what once was there? Or is the past created, constructed and construed, a simulation of something that never was? The bricks of SOIL GENESIS are mental elements of the building blocks of a reality the mortar of which is art. (excerpt from the exhibition text by Univ.-Prof. Paul Feigelfeld)

Exhibition: SOIL GENESIS
An exhibition by Alessandro Samuel Albrecht, Katarina Spielmann and Laia Fabre

Opening: 22.11.2024, 18:00
Exhibition duration: 24.11.2024 – 01.12.2024
Opening Times: From 13:30 till 17:30
Announcement required under: charim@charimgalerie.at
Venue: CHARIM Factory, Absberggasse 27/9/3, 1100 Vienna