


In Vienna Now or Never, for example, the subway lines U1, U2, and U3 are even labelled as Vienna’s „art lines.“ You will find works by Austrian and international artists. Then, along with permanent works, temporary exhibitions occur.

For the past year and a half, we have been hosting artists‘ works on the premises of the RED CARPET ART AWARD. We have been featuring to everyday commuters and passers-by, the work of Kristina DESKA Nikolić, Gert Resinger, Vukadin Filipović, Lorenz Wanker, and Elsa Martini (just to name a few), and we are keen on continuing to do so. 

This time, we are offering national and international artists a slot in Volkstheater Station (U3 Line, the „Volkstheater“ Stop, exit MuseumsQuartier). The open call is directed to everyone who has a great concept.

However, we kindly ask you to consider the following points before submitting your application:

  • As an art platform, we provide to the artist the exhibition space, curation, and press release, but we do not carry any costs for production, transport, or implementation.
  • The winning artist has to be present in Vienna to set up and dismantle the exhibition.

Take your time to have a look at the space and check on one of our last presentations with Lorenz Wanker, for example (occurring also in the same space).

Lorenz Wanker. suburb presented by Les Nouveaux Riches

How can you apply? We will need the following information from you: Name, Website, concise concept (250 characters), and some visuals. E-Mail: mail@les-nouveaux-riches.com / Subject: Open Call

Start of the open call: 16 April 2023
Deadline for the application: 30 May 2023
No entry fee for the online open call!

Announcement of the selected artist: The selected artist will be informed in the first week of June. The exhibition will take place from 30.06.2023 till 14.07.2023

Exhibition location: RED CARPET ART SHOWROOM Volkstheater (located in the U3 metro station Volkstheater, exit MuseumsQuartier)

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us – mail@les-nouveaux-riches.com. We are looking forward to your submissions.

Love. Your LNR Team

About Les Nouveaux Riches. Since April 2019, the association for contemporary art and culture has been dedicated to offering young, emerging– and already-established artists, gallery owners, and creatives a platform to present themselves to a broad audience. In addition, articles and interviews with national and international artists are continuously published online. Les Nouveaux Riches collaborates also with different actors from the cultural scene – realizing so together events and curated exhibitions.

Substratum of memories main subject of analysis is the interpretation of the relationship that 3 participants had with their spaces. More in specific, rooms which had a special meaning.

Das Programm spiegelt die diversen Erscheinungsformen der Clubkultur wider, blickt auf Newcomer:innen und Pionier:innen gleichermaßen und möchte den Austausch der Clubkultur fördern.

Am Anfang war das Chaos! Die Ausstellung Glanz und Glorie! befasst sich mit dem Putzen als immer wiederkehrenden Transformationsprozess von einem Zustand in einen anderen.

Constructions aus Zeichen, Massen, Oberflächen all around undkonstruieren uns bis der Indexklingelt. Analyseformen wellen sich um Waden und die Texturen schreien „streichel mich!“

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Lana Sharp is an artist and musician exploring the confluence of healing and art. Lana channels the archetypes of a witch and sacred clown. In the interview, she talks about the losses.

I’ve always been intrigued by Ophelia since she is a mysterious and fascinating character. Her femme fatale-like ethereal innocence is present at first, and then the energy is released in details.

Born in Mariupol, Ed Kolodiy is a painter and graphic artist, an author of objects of art, video installations and performance art. Graduated from Grekov Odessa State Art College (Odessa, Ukraine) in painting.

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David Osthoff arbeitet mit den Potenzialen postdigitaler Darstellungen von Licht. Diskurse über Urbanität, Natur und menschliche Gemeinschaft bilden den theoretischen Rahmen seiner Arbeiten.

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The show „cache“ continues the earlier series „It’s never gonna be the same“ and deals with the topic of finiteness and the attempt to find a way of how to deal with what was lost.

Grab a sheet. Move through the space, usurp your body, find a convenient place to stay. Look around and experience your surroundings, what do you recognize? What do you feel – how do you feel?

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Les Nouveaux Riches Magazine is pleased to present Elsa Martini. DISHEVELED is not a tragedy. It has complex layers, speaks simultaneously with forthright, yet partly encrypted languages.

Environmental catastrophes and bleak prognoses for the future of life on earth – the climate crisis has become part of our everyday life, and is determining our life reality to an ever-greater extent.

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Frei nach dem gleichnamigen Film von Ingmar Bergman with English surtitles. Die Inszenierung behandelt Gewalt und Abtreibung auf sprachliche, darstellerische und visuelle Weise.

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