


How would you define your style?
I’m an American visual artist presently living in Frankfurt, Germany. working in a variety of formats that include Pen and Ink drawings, acrylic paintings on canvas wood and Mixed media objects. Some of my creative process is a mixture of found objects and non toxic hot glue which creates a three-dimensional effect on any surface that gives a sense of realism and presence in the artwork. I refer to this optical artistic illusion as „Definism“ in my opinion, Definism, portrays various differences in human nature from life’s everyday dramas to humankind’s quest to under-standing self.

My artworks transport viewers from the doldrums of their daily reality to a visual interpretation of another reality.

Darrell Urban Black

How would you self-define it?
My art style called Definism is a representation of everything that can be seen or imagined recreated in artistic form on any medium which the general public can relate to. Most of my images have accompanying titles that act as a starting point to help the viewer understand the backstory behind each artwork. This method is at the heart of Definism, giving the audience an opportunity to fully relate with a painting or drawing and form a very personal connection in the process.

What are some influences?
The creatives who inspire and influenced me the most are Mark Rothko, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jacob Lawrence, who in my opinion are the most daring and provocative artists of the 20th century. Basquiat, for example, had a very gritty and poetic style that spoke to instinctive human behaviour. Rothko, used pure colour to invoke emotion and meaning beyond the human senses and Lawrence used intense artwork imagery to represent moments in African American history. These influences have played a very significant role in the creation and development of my own present art style.

Can you remember your dreams? Tell us about one.
I have so many dreams but the most persistent one started in my early teenage years, when I first discovered my creative potential. Using ink pens I placed my ideas on paper with many friends and neighbours living in the community of Brentwood, Long island, viewing my artwork and making references to well known 20th century artists like Picasso, who I knew nothing about. So years later I decided to do some research on visual artist of the past and present and suddenly realized I to want to be a world famous artist the long journey to realizing my artistic dream began with incremental steps of learning about different art movements, creative styles and techniques, armed with this knowledge and my own fortitude and perseverance my dream of becoming a famous artist is slowly becoming reality.

Darrell Urban Black

How do you spend your free time?
If I“m not in my studio then I spend time at home watching movies or documentaries on the lives of interesting people, learning how they dealt with hard times and adversity in life or I watch youtube learning about the newest discoveries in science and technology. I also like to meet with friends on occasion for dinner or a drink.

What are you working on now?
I have many art projects and exhibitions on the horizon started working with the organization Kunstmatrix for 10 art shows in the near future and The Swiss Art Expo this august a four day event.

Darrell Urban Black – www.darrell-black.pixels.com

Anka Helfert’s solo show ‘Grey Garlands’ took place in April at the Prám Studio, Prague. Despite having seen it only digital (which is a new norm), I am keen on sharing my thoughts about it.

Mifuu Oda was born in 1997, graduated from Osaka University of the Arts, Department of Art Planning. She is a young artist who works on the symbolic image of a “girl” with shades of acrylic paint.

Vethan Sautour is a French conceptual artist based in Vienna, who has been exhibiting since 2018 across the globe. Believing that art should be the bearer of a message, she tackles the issues of climate change.

David Rosado from Évora, lives and works in Lisbon Portugal. He graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Évora in 2004, Painting and Multimedia. Begins to exhibit his work in 1996 .

The word “heady” designates a strong feeling of excitement, even impulsiveness or intoxication. A change of mood that allows us to look forward, to let go, to engage with new situations.

It is a collective exhibition of artists interested in their individual responses to notions of fluid networked systems, showcasing a diverse cross-section of new sculptural works in a variety of scale.

„The beauty of nature’s life“ continues Yi-Ching’s long-standing interest in the Nihonga technique of painting and showcases her approach of incorporating it into her contemporary practice.

The first show of Jamais vu project curated by Liudmila Kirsanova includes artworks by Lea Maria Gold, Pille-Riin Jaik, and Elisabeth Molin that reflect on ideas of concealing and estrangement.

Inaugurating its very first gallery space, Paris-based AFIKARIS Gallery presents rising Cameroonian artist Jean David Nkot’s first extensive solo exhibition in France from May 29 till July 7, 2021.

Sergiy Kondratiuk is an emerging Ukrainian artist. Currently living and working in Kyiv. Sergiy works with archives of the National Institute of Automation, where his studio is located.

Olena Shtepura is a young Ukrainian artist living and working in Kyiv, Ukraine. She is now exploring the opportunities art has to offer. Olena says she finds inspiration in everyday objects.

Erin Sankey is currently studying at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Influenced by psychoanalysis and her own diary entries, her work meditates upon her own mundane experiences.

Agata Magdalena Sulikowska (b.1982 in Namyslow, Poland) is a visual artist, feminist, activist, and cyclist. Her artistic practice is based mostly in oil painting and photography documentation.

Marie Teufel hat beim 2 Days Animation Festival Online mit ihrem Kurzfilm „The seat of the bus ist still warm as you sit down“ den 1. Preis in der Kategorie Best Austrian Student Animation gewonnen.

If you were strolling in a library and found a book with the title MY NEW OFFICE, what would you imagine? This book could be in the Arts, Philosophy, or maybe also in the Interiors section.

From next Thursday Anton Defant is transforming the ALL $OLD OUT gallery space at Burggasse 98 into a flower shop. We are inviting you to experience his latest body of work.

venerazioneMUTANTE, the exhibition season by spazioSERRA dedicated to the transformation of site-specific works during their stay, continues with 12V (x8), a personal exhibition by Alice Paltrinieri.

Scribbling is primarily a personal, involuntary, and intimate act. In a time of imposed isolation and separation it may be more so, reflecting the private terrain of self-caring strategies.

S.MILDO grew up in Marseille. He has been painting since 2011, initially by the practice of graffiti and then began to paint in 2014. He has been working rigorously in the studio since 2016.