

Parsa Khalili, Slice I (2024), 60 x 80 cm; Acrylic, Particleboard on Gesso Board. Photo: Emilia Milewska
Parsa Khalili, Slice I (2024), 60 x 80 cm; Acrylic, Particleboard on Gesso Board. Photo: Emilia Milewska

Khalili’s current body of work Constructions arises from a rigorous process of layering linework and planes of color that create the illusion of space. Chromatic regimes overlap with patterned systems, whose iterations suggest a static depth in tension with latent movement and transformation. Obscured alignments and subtle shifts in composition are juxtaposed with abrupt transitions to unsettle the eye, resist visual balance, and hint at more significant figures and operations whose entire logic is concealed. Constructions plays with contingent imbalances that force one to search for stability and coherency without resolution. The result is a series of didactic formal and spatial configurations that embrace complexity and uncertainty. 

Parsa Khalili, 16:9 Square (2020), 44 x 44 cm; Polylactic Acid, Acrylic on MDF. Photo: Emilia Milewska
Parsa Khalili, 16:9 Square (2020), 44 x 44 cm; Polylactic Acid, Acrylic on MDF. Photo: Emilia Milewska

The introduction of perspective in some of the works shifts the experience from surface to volume. This encounter is further animated by a rich color palette, which evokes multidimensionality. Figures emerge from the picture plane in crisp, hard edges, adhering to their foundational logic while also presenting new readings. It is restless, probing work—in its production but also in its reception—that searches for space within the confines of painting and building.

Constructions proposes a form of architectural thinking through a classic yet reformulated medium—space and form collapsed into the limits of the canvas or the object it occupies. Read as formal projects realized through a process of drawing and building, they challenge conventional notions of space-making. Khalili’s experiments intend to blur the differences between drawings and paintings as representations of space and as formal and spatial products unto themselves, yielding a body of work that is both systematic and unexpected.

Parsa Khalili, Avenue I (2023), 120 x 225 cm, Acrylic on Canvas. Photo: Emilia Milewska
Parsa Khalili, Avenue I (2023), 120 x 225 cm, Acrylic on Canvas. Photo: Emilia Milewska

Parsa Khalili (1984 Tehran, Iran) is an architect-artist based in Vienna. Spanning buildings, installation, sculpture, digital rendering, and painting, Khalili’s work explores ideas of form and space at the intersections and limits of artistic research and architectural design. His hybrid approach pushes disciplinary boundaries to foster creative transferences between artistic and architectural modalities. His versatile work has been recognized internationally through exhibitions, publications, and design projects in the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Iran.

Exhibition: Parsa Khalili. Constructions
Exhibition duration: 21. August till 18. September 2024

Address and contact:
Bildraum 07
Burggasse 7-9, 1070 Vienna

Parsa Khalili – www.parsakhalili.com

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