As old fashioned as it might seem, the small world contained in the sales catalog was just the foundation of what would come next. Advertisement and the products we consume shaped us until we ourselves became the real value. Our self-image and private sphere are being sold and enable more sales. And since we are the currency, we also come to be standardized too, like a coin.
“A real value!” is an exhibition about objects made into ideology and people made into objects. Blanca Amorós digs through the leftovers of Western goods production –such as that 1930 catalog– and, by rearranging the fragments in her paintings, deconstructs some of the main mythologies of our post-industrial society, especially those concerning gender and productivity, such as the feminine-masculine opposition –and its implicit hierarchical construction of society–, or the ideological vision of women as either mothers or objects of desire.
blanca amoros ausstellung blanca amoros ausstellung blanca amoros ausstellung blanca amoros ausstellung blanca amoros ausstellung blanca amoros ausstellung
This installation-like exhibition consists of constellations of paintings and objects with a hint of irony, and where various perspectives are are offered to the viewer to connect these elements. “A real value!” conveys a process of re-contextualization that discloses the other side of images around us, a questioning analysis of the inherent domination by the capitalistic production through the consumption of goods.
In order to provide a safe environment and follow the current Austrian regulations to avoid the spread of COVID-19, only a maximum of two visitors are allowed to be in the exhibition space at the same time.
Exhibition: Blanca Amorós – A real value!
Duration: From 15th to 26th February 2021
Opening hours: 11.00 – 19.30h Visit only by previous appointment
Adress and Contact:
Studio Walls
Löhrgasse 1-3
1150 Wien