


Theoretical base for this project comes from a study of value of items by Michael Thomson (Rubbish Theory, 1979), that states that value is a changeable characteristic. Project itself questions the principles of recycling that are not only based on separation of materials but the process itself can only downgrade the material’s value. Instead, the project focuses on creative and playful ways of looking at things from a different perspective and tries to find a hidden value of the object, initially labeled as garbage.

Focusing on sound brings our attention to the present moment and is trying to prove that with the right intention and tools can be something valuable found in everything. For this reason were for participation asked children from underprivileged backgrounds as they, too, often face prejudices against their abilities, sometimes even resulting in biased evaluation and school segregation.

Here, they were asked to try and find different kinds of sounds that objects surrounding them might be able to create. This playful and cacophonic session was later translated into interactive installation.

Separated sounds were digitally modified and left for a visitor to create something new by putting them back together by playing with a midi controller with a few assigned effects. This co-creative project is still open for second-phase in which the participating children will work with the previously collected samples, to digitally modify it themselves and create more complex harmonies.

Barbora Horská – horskabarbora.wixsite.com/portfolio

Künstler*Innen haben seit jeher mit Trash, Abfall, Second-Hand-Materialien gearbeitet – sei es aus finanziellen, praktischen Gründen, oder dem Anlass heraus, sich von der „hohen Kunst“ abzuwenden.

EMBRACE ME ist eine Serie an Bildern, die sich mit Gender-Nonkonformität und Queerness auseinandersetzt. Sie zeigt phantasievolle Landschaften und hybride Repräsentationen von Körpern.

Inspired by sportswear with a very sophisticated feminine touch, Fantabody is a capsule collection of bodysuits and athleisurewear thought and designed for all the girls who wanna express themselves.

Jede künstlerische Arbeit ist für Julius Werner Chromecek eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem eigenen Geschichte, der zurückliegenden und der kommenden. Die Fotografie kommt ihm da ideal entgegen.

Das Kunstjahr wird von 24. – 27. Juni 2021 erstmals in Wien eröffnet. In der Marx Halle zeigen österreichische Galerien gemeinsam mit internationalen Galerien rund 85 Solopräsentationen.

Have you been missing the streets of Vienna? It is exactly these feelings of longing and characteristic impressions and familiar imagery that Vienna-based artist Rudolf Fitz processes in his works.

11 Objekte der Willhaben-Kategorie ZU VERSCHENKEN werden von 11 Künstlerinnen und Künstlern de-kontextualisiert, umgebaut und neu inszeniert: Eine Gegenüberstellung zwischen Kunst und Nutzen.

Nach 4 Jahren als Managerin und Inhaberin einer Verzinkerei machte Margund Lössl ihre Passion zur beruflichen Tätigkeit und eröffnete 1998 die am Traunsee in Gmunden gelegene Galerie 422.