


In those countries I have the opportunity to see what has changed over the years and what has remained the same. I understand the people living there well and with the help of photography, I manage to document important aspects in the process of exploring cities or observing how life goes on there.

Many of these photos were taken during my 30-day project, a research, for which I specially flew to Ukraine in November-December 2020.  Every day I made documentations about life in Ukraine, trying to convey the atmosphere that was actually there during the time before the lockdown. I asked people questions about their everyday life in Ukraine, what plans they have, what they think about the lockdown and, how they feel in general. The purpose of the study was to observe and capture the life of the city as it is.

You know…it’s hard to explain. I’ve been through stuff, and even been in prison, which means, my freedom has already been taken away from me, but back then I knew that this was happening officially, and for a certain period of time. And now there is complete uncertainty. We cannot do anything, because in fact there was no freedom at all from the beginning, and to break out of the crowd or start a protest most likely means to die. – M. 42 y.o.

xenia snapiro winter ukraine

Sometimes I look at the people, at the authorities in our country, at the events taking place around, and I think: „Well, what are they, worse than animals!“. And then I stop for a second, and the understanding comes to my mind, that I am not better than any of them, I am exactly the same. V. 28 y.o.

xenia snapiro winter ukraine

I am a religious person and cannot afford to somehow be associated with corruption, so building a business from 0 is too difficult for me. I want to live in a country where an honest me will feel safe. A. 36 y.o.

My next visit to Ukraine is scheduled for March 2021 and I want to make this project a lot bigger, visit more cities, and prepare thoroughly. Also, I have some ideas for a photobook with personal stories and portraits. Unfortunately, I am currently unable to fly to Russia and support the people who come out to protests. I don’t like the politics of this country, but I like the people who courageously fight for equal rights, honesty and fairness towards everyone.

Xenia Snapiro – www.instagram.com/snapiro/

What is spazioSERRA, and what does it mean to be right in the middle of a railway station, – she asked. From a distant computer screen, they were replying to her question on a February day.

Vom 19.2. – 22.2. begibt sich Luca Mussnig im Raum 8. Für drei Tage sperrt sich der junge Künstler in den Ausstellungsraum für eine Online Performance, namens „Fish in a Tank! Blub?“ ein.

Die Ausstellung zeigt vier künstlerische Positionen aus Österreich, Tschechien und Deutschland, die mit sehr unterschiedlichen Strategien Türen zur Betrachtung der Themen Vergessen und Erinnern öffnen.

Am Ende des unliebsamen Jahres 2020 erschien Stacy Sky mit ihrer ersten Single „Sternenkind“ wie eine Sternschnuppe auf die Erde und zauberte mit ihrer witzig und glitzernden Ästhetik.

Galt das fini einer Malerei durch den Prozess der blaireautage – der finalen Bearbeitung eines Gemäldes mithilfe eines Dachspinsels zur Unsichtbarmachung der handwerklichen Spuren des Malprozesses.

In art I always was seeking for the opportunity to make the viewer feel the picture as something alive, to feel the presence. But not only with the help of classical techniques, or not only with the help of it.

Hyunsun yoo was born in Seoul. She completed a bachelor of visual art, Painting at Duksung Woman University in Seoul. After that started to study painting at Applied art University in Vienna.

NEUTRO 6X 240×160 /180X160 – I was walking in a sort of back-alley* under Vienna’s relatively warm weather when I received Silvia’s, one of the three-team members of NEUTRO, interview reply.

Ab Freitag, den 5. Februar 2021 sind ausgewählte Arbeiten von Barbara Kapusta unter dem Titel „Union“ über die Schaufensterfront des JesuitenFoyer in der Bäckerstraße 18, 1010 Wien zu sehen.

Agni Dasein is an Russian-Austrian Artist, who made her debut with her first international solo exhibition in 2013 in Graz. She works primarily in painting, however she is also active in sculpture.

“Will fit comfortably. Well made in every way. Comes in stripes or plane colors. Dependable quality A real value!“ These and other appealing features can be read next to the images in a catalog of Sears.

Die in den vergangenen Jahren entstandenen Serien von Marc Peschke lösen sich weit von den klassischen Stilmitteln der Fotografie. Die Werkreihen entstehen zumeist auf Reisen.

CLOSING SOON is located in Kato Petralona district of the Greek capital. It exists right in the middle of residential buildings, small industries, a farmer market, night clubs, and close to the fine arts school.

Felix Huber ist Bühnenbildner, Performer und vieles dazwischen. Aus Salzburg stammend hat er erst dort und in den USA Politik und Geschichte studiert, bevor ihn der weitere Weg zur Kunst führte.