


Kunstwerke, die durch die Verschmelzung von Perspektiven gewachsen sind. Die Werke reflektieren Erfahrungen und Verbindungen, die stets entstehen oder sich auflösen, während sie soziale Bedürfnisse erforschen und Brücken zwischen Altem und Neuem, Vergangenheit und Zukunft schlagen: Ein Zusammenspiel von Bewegung und Ruhe.

Arbeiten von:
Kristina Deska Nikolić & Daniel Lichterwaldt
Niko Marković & Jovan Glušica

Die Parallel Vienna findet 2023 von 5. bis 10. September statt und bleibt ihrem Ansatz treu, temporär leerstehende Gebäude als Präsentationsplattform für zeitgenössische Kunst zu nutzen. Dieses Jahr findet die Messe auf dem Otto-Wagner-Areal 14. Bezirk statt. Die drei bespielten Pavillons beeindrucken durch ihre Jugendstil-Architektur, die im Zusammenspiel mit dem Areal und der umgebenden Natur eine ganz besondere Location für die diesjährige Messe bieten.

Tickets: www.parallelvienna.com/tickets/

Finally, from the exel list to the written correspondence. I have always been fascinated by all that inhabits her paintings. And now, after receiving her portfolio, I have all the time of the world to gaze at her work.

Collecting privately as a group is a unique case. Get to know the history of Underdog Collection and their way of building a collection which embodies a truly eclectic perspective on contemporary art.

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to check our room at PARALLEL VIENNA 2023, held at Otto Wagner Areal. Additionally, I captured a few snapshots of Pavilion 16. Here are a few impressions.

Shi Jiongwen graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. The „line“ in her works is a simple element. It has gone through a long process from being details to the main body of the work.

Kata Oelschlägel is a post-radical Viennese actionist, but where does the movement that she belongs to differ to the Actionism of the 60s and 70s? In the interview she is talking about her practice.

After studying and working abroad she returned to Athens in 2017 where she continues to run her practice. Her work represents various perspectives of existential questioning.

This year’s edition of Calle Libre is held from the 27th of July to the 5th of August, with contributions from many international street artists, including the Spanish artist Guillem Font.

This text had been blurry in my mind for months, but only now has it gained meaning. Perhaps because night has fallen, and I’ve come to understand that despite people are used to leaving.

Margarita Merkulova moved to Vienna 9 years ago. She graduated from the Faculty of Art History, specializing in Modern Art and finished the school of art for analog photography at Friedl Kubelka.

Arang Choi currently lives in Vienna. She pursued her studies in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna from 2016 to 2023. In 2019 she did an exchange semester at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.

Trudy Benson, an American painter based in New York, shows a new series completed at a residency with Galerie Krinzinger in Vienna. This group of works, which she calls “Plastic Paintings”.

Rocco und seine Brüder, ein Künstler-Kollektiv aus Berlin. Aus den illegalen Graffiti-Ursprüngen der Hauptstadt entstanden, sind sie heute Europas gefeierte Trainwriter-Stars. Doch das ist längst nicht alles.

Devin Kenny, who was invited by Pia-Marie Remmers to install a show in collaboration with one of Galerie Thoman’s artists in [tart vienna], selected Franz West to share the stage.

Daniela Grabosch’s works push the limitations of space and time creating (almost) like an invisible patchwork of overlapping layers. Pushing algorithms and bending the virtual into the tangible.

Die ART&ANTIQUE startet passend am Premierentag mit ihrer neunten Sommerausgabe, im Zelt im Residenzhof und im Carabinierisaal. Jetzt können auch die Salzburger Kunst-Festspiele beginnen!

Mit dem Hybrid Bodies Festival entstand am 1. Juli 2023 ein dreiteiliger Performance-Abend, der dualistische Denkmuster auf vielschichtige Art und Weise performativ auslotet und aufbricht.

“Wenn die Wände in Hotels sprechen könnten, würden sie die weirdesten Geschichten erzählen.“ Und diese Geschichten wurden am Wochenende erzählt, und zwar von der Superbude Wien am Prater.

Georgia Beaumont is an artist from the UK, based in London. Focussed predominantly on painting, she studies botanical forms with an acute interest in the plasticity of their structures.

Lena Mattson’s impressive artistic career stretches through decades including numerous appearances in renowned institutions around the world. In her work life itself, that which is private to us.

Wolf Silveri ist seit 19 Jahren freischaffender Fotograf. Er ist seit 2004 in verschiedenen Bereichen der Fotografie tätig, wobei sein Fokus auf der Portraitfotografie liegt.

In her work one topic guides her to another. By translating forms into action she meditates on the existent and the could-be. Artist Beate Frommelt is working with different approaches to landscapes.

Investigate the sense of the relations at play in an image, between the subject that is represented and the author representing it. The exhibition devised and curated by the participants of the ICON 2022.