


They see ourselves at the intersection of art and design. With the editions, they strive to expand the definition of and find synergies between these two disciplines.

With the B-98 Editions, they question the classic concept of an edition and aim to redefine it. Five times a year, B-98 will invite a curated selection of artists and designers and support them in experimenting with new approaches in their creative process. On the 31st of October 14:00 B-98 is going to launch 30 hand painted and hand thrown vases made in collaboration between the artists.

Elisa Alberti & Simone Oberlechner
Elisa Alberti & Simone Oberlechner

Led by the texture of the clay Simone Oberlechner develops the shapes of the vase, before Elisa Alberti takes this as a reference point, drafting and carrying out concepts of color and composition. 30 objects – varying in shape and color but still being tied together by how they were created – emerged from this collaborative work cycle.

Opening hours during the weekend: Saturday launch 14:00 – 20:00, Sunday 14:00 – 18:00. 20:00. On Sunday the Online Shop will go online with all remaining objects at www.burggasse98.com

Address and contact:
Burggasse 98, 1070 Wien

Navot Miller focuses on intimate interactions and the queer aspects of banal, uneventful encounters. Throughout his life, he has always been fascinated by visuals and sound as a way of expressing ideas.

Anna Sampson is a self-taught photographer who shoots on film and prints in the darkroom. She graduated in 2015, where the central focus of her work was a series of portraits, titled Gender Trouble.

Oriana Gerez is a Venezuelan-American visual artist based in Miami, Florida. Major themes in her work include dreams, the subconscious and pop art. Her works are represented in various galleries.

By mixing pigments with binder – egg yolk for tempera, acrylic polymer emulsion for acrylics; and oil for oil colors. Where choice of pigment defines a color’s hue, the binder defines the color’s texture.

DIE KUNSTSCHAFFENDEN feiern 2020 ihr 75-Jahr-Jubiläum. Aus diesem Anlass werden in diesem Jahr Sonderausstellungen im Atelierhaus Salzamt zum Thema „Feiern mit Freunden“ gezeig.

Astrid Rausch ist Malerin, wurde in Innsbruck geboren und lebt in Wien. Ihre Bilder entstehen prozesshaft aus Farbschichten aus Öl und Pigment und zeigen assoziative Figuren, Räume und Landschaften.

Das Ausstellungskonzept Nabe wurde als Teil einer raumgreifenden Installation für die Parallel Vienna geschaffen. Die gebaute Ausstellungshöhle bearbeitet hierbei als prophetisches Orakel.