Also she has many works with silk screen printmaking and recent works are overlapping different translucent colors and size of circle to express the distance of relationship.

How art came into your life?
Ever since I was child, originality has been important to me. I frequently put my own drawings and Signature on the ready-made product like: clothes, shoes, bags. I enjoyed making unique designs to make them standout from the rest. I didn’t know what that desire meant as a child. But I now understand that it was a beginning of my art career. And I grew up around nature and I naturally tried to express my emotions using organic shapes and plenty of colors from nature.
What feelings you have while doing what you love?
First of all, what I love is experiencing many different things in nature. One of those things is gardening. For the last 2years, I have rented a plot in community garden outside of Vienna and planted a many different kinds of vegetables. From planting seeds to harvest I never stopped observing every detail of nature. I feel really comfortable and full of energy when I experience the colors, smells and sounds of nature. All of that inspires me and my art.
From planting seeds to harvest I never stopped observing every detail of nature.
hyunsun yoo interview hyunsun yoo interview hyunsun yoo interview
How do you get your inspiration?
My longstanding theme is about humans and humanity. Especially, I focused on human in nature. I think humans always crave to be in nature. In my work human bodies are facing the nature and sitting front of them naturally. They get some energy from nature and then create more energy. I express the balance and composition of human bodies in nature. It is the most relaxed and natural and the happiest moment.

Does culture influence your work?
Of course it does. My long standing theme is “human”. I always have a question about “what is the human being and humanity”. A Culture is a product made by humans. Therefore I can say my work is really related with my culture. I especially have experiences living in Korea and Austria which have very different cultures. I started to observe and compare both cultures.
In Korea, I found an aspect of human who compare and achieve, on the other hand in Austria I discovered human who enjoy nature and culture without a competitive spirit. All these knowledge about cultures became the base of my work.

What is art for you?
Art is a means to state an opinion or a feeling, or else to create a different view of the world. However I would like to add something here. I think Art is created by the artist who recognizes that they are unique and find something differences from others through internal focus. Therefore, Art is the process of exploring and understanding themselves. While working, I frequently feel that I should believe more in myself and my potential. I think my uniqueness comes from thinking that something different hide in me.
What item would you be lost without?
A camera is very important for my works. I would prefer to capture every interesting moments of my daily life and using them as a reference when I express the moment paintings and drawings. I am getting used to take a photo very quickly more and more, because I experienced a lot that the moment is disappeared very soon unexpectedly since I cannot control nature or real life of other people. Many of my works are based on figurative forms so pictures also can be a big reference to me. I take a photo by myself to find my own special moment rather than searching from book or website, and now I need a large capacity to keep thousands of photos taken over few years.
Many of my works are based on figurative forms so pictures also can be a big reference to me.

2021. What is your aim in life?
I couldn’t exhibit my work last year due to covid19. All exhibitions are canceled so that I was frustrated and depressed. As the pandemic situation is going continuously, online virtual exhibition is coming. Since it is my first time to attend virtual concept so I was a little negative what does it work in some ways. But I’m going to be changed. I decided to accept new era facing now and do the best to show my art works in any shape or form to the public. It would be the year that I can communicate with people again through my works in 202.
Hyunsun yoo –