

Daniela Trinkl

Trinkls Fokus liegt dabei auf der Frage nach einem synthetischen Dasein, welche sie zugleich kritisch wie humorvoll untersucht. Die Künstlerin beschäftigt sich mit der Idee der künstlichen Hervorbringung von Leben und seiner Kontrollierbarkeit. Der Begriff Interbreeding – Kreuzung – beschreibt in der Genetik die Fortpflanzung zweier genetisch unterschiedlicher Pflanzen- oder Tierarten. Trinkl interessiert das Weiterdenken dieses Vorgangs auf fiktionaler Ebene. Was entsteht, wenn sich biologisches Material mit synthetischer Materie kreuzt? Die in der Ausstellung gezeigten Objekte erzeugen eine Unsicherheit, ob es sich um organisch Gewachsenes oder hochtechnisch Hervorgebrachtes handelt. Ihr hybrides Aussehen öffnet eine Formensprache zwischen artifiziell und lebendig, verführerisch und bizarr. So werden sie zu Botschaftern einer unbekannten Science-Fiction-Welt.

Ausstellung: Daniela Trinkl – Interbreeding
Dauer der Ausstellung: 04.01-25.01.2023
Raum: Red Carpet Showroom Altes Landgut, U-Bahn-Station Altes Landgut, 1100 Wien, Exit Altes Landgut. Weitere Informationen: www.redcarpetartaward.com

In 2024 Arte Fiera celebrates 50 years since the first edition, making it the first art fair in Italy, and one of the first in Europe. The next edition of Arte Fiera will be held from 3 to 5 February 2023.

Walking among these strange new surroundings, I keep wondering, are they just as suspicious of me as I am of them? I leave parts of myself behind wherever I go, and now I’m reassembling.

The Korsaks’ Museum of the Contemporary Ukrainian Art (KMCUA) in Lutsk, Ukraine, has launched the „COSMOGONY“ project, within which it is planned to create the world’s largest painting.

They post content every day, basically a bulimic creation. The problem is that if I don’t see anything new for more than 48 hours, I go myself to see if they’ve posted anything, in case I missed it.

Chelsie Kirkey (b. 1987) lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. In 2022, she had a solo show with Taymour Grahne Projects, a two-person show at F2T Gallery and participated in group shows at Thierry Goldberg Gallery.

Lena Brazin (b. 1985, Kosice, Slovakia) is a London-based artist whose figurative paintings explore the seen and the unseen with an attempt to materialise immateriality, to reflect the fullness of human existence.

Every year at the end of January, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites visitors to the Open Days of the collections, classes and studios of all the institutes at all locations.

The installation is an imitation of my grandmother’s apartment. Its floorplan is outlined on the floor and is presented in 1:1 scale in an exhibition space. 12 projection screens are installed in exact same rooms.

Nazım Ünal Yılmaz’s approach in peinture that evidently leads the spectator „always forward“, carries the traces of the self-justification of an artist who is dizzy with his personal palette of colours and space.

Saxon Quinn is a self-taught artist with a background in Visual Design. His mother – Dianne Coulter, also an artist, has had a large studio and gallery on the family property since he was born.